Was my coworker flirting?

TL;DR – met my coworker for the first time, got drunk, and don’t know if there was flirting involved.

So I’m 32 (male), and my coworker is a 24 male. We recently went on a work trip along with a few others on our team. This was our first time meeting each other in person. At first, it was just professional and niceness; however, I can’t help but think maybe he flirted in parts of our trip. So I had separate plans to do different things in the city at night, on all occasions, he came after I asked him if he wanted to come. We drank and talked bout dating and apps. He started to refer to his matches as “he”, so I knew at that point he was not straight.

We got quite drunk (or at least he was), and I’d notice him giving me glances. He also put me on his tab, and when I’d go get another drink and whip out my debit card (which works), he’d come over and tell the bartender to only use his tab. He teased me a lot, called me sensitive, “broke” (all my credit cards didn’t work), and other insider things between the two of us. At one point he asked for me to try his drink. I later also offered him to try my drink. I noticed he gladly used the same straw. Later when I mentioned I was cold, he asked to feel my hand.

When we talked about dating, He asked if i can show him my profile, and he commented how I looked cute and very buffed in the pictures. I also told him his facial features looked very strong like his jaw line in one of his picture. When I mentioned I was a man h0e back then and hookup isn’t really what I want now, he went on this story on how he lost his virginity to this guy he met from tinder, and how he won’t leave him alone with texts. When I told him he should reach back out to him, he simply said “it’s probably going to turn into sex, and he was too big for me”. He also said he’s tried guys whom are older (like in 30s), he found all of them to be very dry.

I dont know if he was flirting or just being an over sharer (I was too)

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