I see so many descriptions of bad relationships on reddit i have become borderline scared of dating. Some optimism and positive experiences would be much appreciated 🙂

  1. I went through a string of bad relationships but have such an awesome partner now. He is caring and loving. Overall, it is just amazing to have someone to live alongside who puts my needs above his own.

    Just a small example, last night my dog puked all over. This man ran into action—grabbing the cleaning supplies, putting the dog in the bath, etc.

    This relationship has enhanced my life because I have someone who is willing to partner with me, support me, and love me in any circumstance.

  2. Rent is a lot cheaper.

    He’s also a great inspiration for me to be more empathetic and patient towards others, he’s always going out of his way to remind me of the progress I’ve made with my mental health, and he helps me make smarter choices when it comes to food (I still have a bad relationship with it and I’m working on it).

    It’s great to have someone who’s so supportive and helps me work on getting better.

    One of the examples would be when I was having a panic attack and I felt like I was going backwards, that I hadn’t made any progress. My partner pointed out that my panic attack didn’t last nearly as long as the ones he saw 2 years ago and that I need to cut myself some slack.

  3. It’s fun to live with my best friend. It’s nice to have someone take care of you when you’re feeling out of sorts. It’s safe and warm and a joy to come home. It’s inspiring to become a better person and see your SO become a better person too, we lift each other up and that’s an incredible experience. Being in love and being loved is a joy worth fighting for.

  4. He’s very supportive and he is the calm to my stormy sad mind. Overall he’s pushed me to be a better person. Plus he’s nice to look at 😊

  5. I wake up every morning happy, fulfilled, confident, contented and at peace with everything in my life. I go to bed at night happy, fulfilled, confident, contented and at peace with everything in my life. Everything else in between gets sorted out because I’m with the most amazing man who is my complete and utter soulmate. I know I can completely trust and rely on him in all ways.

    8 years together, blissfully married and enjoying our beautiful baby girl.

  6. My gf has a really good job that lets me be a stay at home mom with our twins, I’ll get back to my small business once they’re in school all day but it’s really nice to have that security and be able to be with my little goblins all day

    My gf is invested in me, she’s encouraging, supportive, loving, kind and she’s fun to be around. I can get a little emotional and want to fight things that piss me off and she’s got a cool head and thinks things through. I bring a lot of passion to our relationship and she keeps us focused and on goal

    Plus she encourages me to do things for my mental and emotional health, supports my friendships, takes interest in the things I like and passionately shares the things she likes (she’s a huge star wars nerd)

    She’s a good mom, appreciates my cooking, does her fair share of parenting and chores and makes sure that we have time to enjoy each other. Plus we have a great sex life

  7. He pushed me out of my comfort zone and now I’m a totally different woman than I was 4 years ago when we started dating. He has literally changed my life for the better and I will always be grateful even if we don’t end up working out.

  8. I feel so much stronger, happier, safer, and more fulfilled. I laugh more and have more fun. I don’t constantly worry about ending up alone anymore.

    There are also more external and trivial benefits, like getting to take fun trips together, go to great restaurants and bars I couldn’t afford on my own, etc. But the most important effects are internal and foundational to my daily happiness – not only because my relationship itself makes me happy, but because my partner has helped me learn deeper emotional self-sufficiency so that I know I can be happy and take care of myself even when they’re not around, and even if we ever break up.

  9. This girl and this relationship has almost changed my life. By having to open up and communicate in the relationship I’ve become a better teammate to my teammates and more confident on the court. Having someone love me, support me, and hold me accountable has been huge. She’s pushed me to delve more into my hobbies and interests. She allows me and encourages me to be my goofy and fun self. She’s been so patient with me as I learn how to open up and be vulnerable. She’s just amazing, man.

  10. omg in every way imaginable! I feel protected, loved, appreciated, supported (and a pretty long list of other good words).

    it just… feels right.

    like, you have 2 pieces of a puzzle that look like they should match, but there is this tiny gap, and it looks right but feels wrong, you google shit like “how do you know if puzzles match”, you think that if you file a millimeter here and extend a millimeter there, and just squeeze a little, you’ll be perfect, but it just keeps bothering you, and you don’t understand why, because all looks so good.

    and then you find the right piece, it clicks immediately, and you’re like oohhhhh, *now* I see, now it feels right!

    same thing with having a good relationship. you don’t have to work on it. it works on its own.

  11. I feel supported in everything I do. She’s on my side, she wants what’s best for me and she helps me without taking over. I still tend to want to do everything on my own, as I’ve always been hyperindependent, but I’m working on it. I feel like together we can get through everything. Generally, I’m much happier every day, and I feel hopeful about future together.

  12. We do lots of fun activities together, like camping, watching movies in bed with snacks, going to concerts. Our rent is cheaper and we save on gas by carpooling. There’s fewer chores because we split them pretty evenly. We’ve been together for years and are getting married in a few weeks and he has never ever yelled at me or called me a name. When I was sick last month he picked me up medicine and a drink and left it on my nightstand while he went to work. Overall I just happier and more calm with his company.

  13. My husband is my literal favorite person. Being with him is like hanging out with an extremely close and loving friend, and then we also have sex and share finances. It feels very safe and accepting to be with him. I can pour as much of myself into the relationship as I want, and he will always meet my energy.

    I recently had 2 major surgeries, both of which had long incisions and needed drains, and then I promptly broke my foot. I’ve spent most of 2022 in recovery from one thing or another. He has been there to change my bandages, wash my hair, strip my drains, drive me to every appt, help me with stairs, clean the house, and massage my scars, all while planning most of our wedding and never making me feel like a burden.

  14. I had some really bad relationships before this, and didn’t know how to be a person for a long time, but he’s been really supportive of me being in therapy and treatment and I’m finally the person I want to be. While he’s supportive, he doesn’t coddle me and I’m in charge of my own well-being so there is no codependency, just open communication.

    He also makes me think about my actions more, and be more empathetic. I tend to be very guarded and he is open to everyone, so he reminds me to be a little less closed off to other people.

    Having a buddy around is really fun too. Being able to make stupid jokes and laugh constantly and also split housework by having cleaning dance parties with music is way more fun than cleaning in my own. Our space together is a reflection of our shared life with each other and it is so comforting to live somewhere where I feel 100% safe and supported.

  15. Relaxing I’m not doing everything on my own anymore am I don’t have family close.

    I know if I have a bad day or can’t bare to do a thing he has my back and we will do it together. That level of security I get from him is unmatched as I know we have this together.

  16. There’s this level of comfort that comes with a happy relationship. It’s really hard to describe. Kinda like human version of a hot cup of tea and a warm blanket, always there for me when I need it.

  17. I’ve got one person that will always be there for me. A consistent presence. Gives me something/someone to live for on my darkest days. It helps ground me in my troubled times, and he brings me so many other benefits like making dinner and snacks, warm cuddles. Its freaking awesome when you find the right person.

  18. I really enjoy being around him. Whenever I get anxious, holding his hand or giving him a hug makes me feel safer. He often makes me food and sends me heart emojis while I’m at work.

  19. He was my best friend before dating, and still is now, which is important to me in a lot of ways. Having a good friend by your side is just…really nice.

    I also think he has a lot of qualities that are really amazing, so he inspires me to be a better person. I grew up in a toxic household, so meeting him–who brought such a positive energy to my life–was refreshing. “People like him are actually real” I thought (and still think). Since then I feel like a stronger person mentally. He makes me laugh and smile way more than I used to.

    He also gives me boosts of dopamine a lot because he’s a happy, giggly guy that laughs at pretty much any joke I make. Has me thinking I’m actually funny or something lol (I’m not)

  20. Whenever I’m nervous about trying something new and would have backed out if I was on my own, I now have my own personal hype man that makes me feel almost invincible! ❤️

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