We have been together for 5 years, the yeast infections started occurring regularly about a year ago. She has taken the pills and cream that’s over the counter, it goes away, but after we have sex it comes back. We use non latex condoms and Astroglide waterbase lube, we haven’t been having sex without condoms regularly. I think I must be the one that’s giving it to her since she is taking care of it and it only happens after we have sex.

I have a good diet, I don’t drink too much, don’t smoke but I do vaporize weed, my hygiene is good.

I’ve recently been thinking that it may be that I’m uncut. I’ve read that we are more prone to giving yeast infections.

It is very frustrating because I would like to have sex more often, but I feel like she’s holding back do to this problem, and I don’t blame her.

What have you used that made it go away? How to prevent it?

As a last measure I’ve been looking into getting circumcised if it will help.


  1. Have you seen a doctor at all yourself? If not start by that. You might keep giving the infection to her and might need to get treated.

  2. Has she gone to a doctor and gotten a swab? There are a few strains of yeast that are not killed by the creams you buy at the pharmacy. This would be my first step, to rule out if it’s a strain of yeast that needs a specific treatment to kill.

    If she goes to the doctor and explains that the OTC cream is not helping they should test her for other strains.

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