exactly as title states, my boyfriend was going soft during sex and had to pull out and jerk off and then try again. we were in the middle of sex when it happened, what would reasons be?

both age 20

  1. He’s tired, he’s too hot, he’s feeling performance anxiety, he was in an uncomfortable position and got focused on the pain, no reason at all. Penises sometimes have a mind of their own and don’t always corporate with what the brain wants them to do.

    I suspect you’re asking this because you’re concerned that it means he wasn’t enjoying himself or isn’t attracted to you. That is not the case at all.

  2. Literally so many reasons. Physical health issues, substances, fatigue, mental issues, hormone issues, over indulgence, lack of stimulation. You could probably narrow it down pretty quickly but still be stabbing in the dark. I’ve struggled sometimes from eating way too much before having sex lol

  3. Sometimes this just happens. Every guy experiences this at some point. If it was a one time thing, don’t worry about it.

    If it becomes a frequent issue, then there may be a problem that needs to be addressed.

  4. Happens to the best of us…

    We get hard in the most inappropriate situations and we get soft in the most inappropriate situations 🤷‍♂️

  5. Iv went soft during before I literally lost interest in the middle of it pulled out and pulled my pants up when on somewhere else it was my wife to 🤣

  6. Dicks are so annoying sometimes. But like others said, there are so many causes. Worst part though is if you think about it too much.

    Hell I’ve been rock hard thinking about what I wanted to do with my wife, then 2 hours later it only got half hard. Like I used up my erection too soon lol.

  7. Sometimes I was just stressed about something and just couldn’t get in the zone or some different weed strains will give me ed so I found that out the hard way

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