I’ve been talking to this guy from school for about seven months. Before anyone asks why so long, we probably would have gone out sooner, but I accidentally gave him the impression that I was hooking with one of my professors (another story for another time).

A couple days ago, he snapped me, saying that he hopes I am well. We talked for a while, before he said that after Easter break he wants to go out with me.

The next day, one of his female friends found out he and I have been talking. She came up to me and wanted a “girl chat.”

The gist of what she told me:

\- He can be a hit or miss.

\- That he basically cheated on his girlfriend while she was in New York, but he didn’t really do anything either so he technically didn’t cheat (her words, not mine).

\- Sophomore year, he talked to her for a month, then ghosted her. Then he was taking to someone last December and ghosted her too.

\- She said he seems like he’s grown up since then, she just wanted to give me a heads up that he’s in his probably in his “player stage.”

Then we hugged it out 🤢🤮

This is the first time I’ve heard anyone say anything bad about him. Everyone tells me he is a really nice guy and shy and not a f\*ckboy. I don’t know what to do. I don’t want to meet him with her words on my mind, but I also don’t want to be naĂŻve.

Where do I go from here? Do I believe her?

  1. Take him on his own merits. She might have her own reasons for warning you off, and even if he has been a bit flaky – well, that’s how dating works in your early twenties when you’re still figuring out what you want and how to behave.

    If you get the feeling he isn’t interested, then don’t try to hang on and keep things going – but that should be the standard approach in any relationship.

  2. I’d probably file away, “Girl doesn’t like boy.” Why trust what this spiteful woman says? If you eventually get close to him, share the conversation.

  3. >Sophomore year, he talked to her for a month, then ghosted her. Then he was taking to someone last December and ghosted her too.

    This is kind of the only substance here, and even then, maybe they did something that warranted ghosting. And if not, she does say “he seems like he’s grown up since then” so who knows?

    Honestly seems like she was just bitter that she got ghosted. Like, what’s up with the “yeah he kinda cheated but actually pretty much didn’t”?

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