How do you determine what you need from your partner vs what is expecting too much of them? How can you tell when you’re expecting too much? Also, how can you tell if you’re overreacting to something your partner did?

  1. Talk through it all and take time to actually listen to their responses. Don’t be defensive and take time to reflect on their words, needs, expectations and wants as well as your own.

  2. If I’m expecting too much of him – I’m afraid I’m probably not at peace with something about his actions and such, which shouldn’t happen. Because it could be a sign that I want to change something about him. We need to have a lot of conversations before entering into a serious relationship, to know if we both can give each other what we both need.

  3. Talk, communicate, and make them really think about it and perhaps have them make a list not in your presence. Tell them everything all the time. What feels good in the moment more of this less of that. touch here like this. Find a porn and show them I want exactly what they’re doing or he’s doing to her.


  4. I talk about these expectations with people whose opinions I trust. Like, my therapist helps me keep my expectations in check – and helps me recognize when my expectations on self and others are overly ridiculous.

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