Is it possible to get out of the friendzone as a woman? If it is then how?

  1. I’ve (regretfully) friendzoned a girl in the past and I can tell you its exactly like if you were to friendzone a guy you wont make him come around and would probably make things worse you should probably cut your loses and find somebody else who likes you in return

  2. Same way a man gets out of the friendzone if that’s not where you want to be: By walking away.

    That’s it.

    There’s no other way out of the friendzone.

    You either happily accept being the person’s friend, or you walk away.

  3. Literally just tell him. If hes single, straight, and finds you attractive you have the green light. I think most guys wish girls would make their feelings known

  4. I dunno, most guys are pretty open to having sex with a lot of women.

    So if he put you in the friend zone, it was a deliberate action in my opinion.

    As a dude, the most efficient way to get out of the friend zone was to start dating someone else and GTFO.

    At that point they will either take notice and say something, or they won’t give AF, and you’ve escaped anyways.

  5. Commitment and time….however it typically never works..the two times I’ve made it out of the FZ, she cheated. Move on IMO

  6. If you have found yourself in the friend zone and you don’t want to be there the only way out of it is to walk away. You see she legitimately thinks she has a friend and you have legitimately have allowed your thinking to be “if I wait long enough, if I’m friend enough I can trick her into thinking we are friends but really I’m standing in some arbitrary line waiting for her to see you that way.”
    Dude, all she sees is her friend so if you aren’t that then do her a favor and go away…

  7. The zone above the friendzone is the fuckzone.
    If you cant get in the fuckzone then its not happening, sorry.

  8. The friendzone is somewhere you put yourself when you’re either unwilling or afraid to be honest about your feelings, or unwilling to take no for an answer.

    Have the confidence to be up front about what you want and the respect to take whatever answer he gives, and you’ll never end up there.

    If you’re already there, either sack up and walk away or get comfortable being a friend.

  9. I’m a girl but I’ll give my 2 cents.. I got out of the friendzone with a guy I’ve been friends with for 2 years now. And by this, I mean the mental friendzone. I told him I liked him, and he turned me down. I gave it a year of being his friend before I couldn’t ignore how i felt anymore, and I told him I still liked him. He said he needed his space for a few weeks and then we hung out. The time between my confession and our hangout, I thought maybe he was “thinking about the idea of us being together” or considering it. When we hungout, he was 100% friend vibes. He wasn’t warm or affectionate. This confirmed to be that he was not willing to sit down and directly communicate to me that he only saw me as a friend, instead he let the vibe communicate it. I was happy to keep the friendship, but also devastated. I told myself he rejected me or “friendzoned” me for my weight or appearance. Turns out, this last weekend, he got handsy with a girl at a party and made out with her. She was curvey like myself. I looked at his track record with other girls – some larger. Once I saw him with her, I was free. I realized that he valued my friendship and didn’t find me romantically attractive, not because of my weight like I’d thought, but simply because of a random mix of chemicals in the brain and chance. I’ve accepted him as my friend and completely written off the idea of us being together. Our friend group is going on vacay together and are gonna make great memories. Meanwhile, the other girls he messes around with are mostly one night stands, and I don’t want to fall into that category with him, or want that for myself. I prefer a relationship. Thus, I’ve grown mentally since I was in that old “boohoo, I’ve been friendzoned” phase. I realized him and I aren’t compatible as a couple anyways and better as friends.

    But if you like this guy, tell him you’re into him. If he rejects you, and you had a good friendship, he’ll come back, so no loss in the long run. If he gets awkward towards you afterwards, he’s immature and wasn’t a good friend anyways.

  10. Yes. I friendzoned my bestfriend for 4 years. Then he friendzoned me. Clawed my way out. Been together 11 years and 2 kids later… still happily together.

  11. The same as a man. You leave.

    Just as people are not owed a relationship/date

    They are also not owed a friendship. This goes for both genders.

  12. I saw somewhere this,
    Cut contract for a month,
    In the month, clean up your diet and hit the gym ( yes this applies to women) and I mean gym every day!
    And diet! I cut 15 pounds in the summer but going clean eating.
    Double down on any hobbies that make you more interesting.
    Do this for an entire month HARD.
    Grab some new clothes that show off the results.
    Arrange a meetup with your FRIEND and make your move/ tell em how you feel.
    Maybe some need more then a month but the idea is to appear changed so you can break the view they have of you.

  13. Im not saying it always works but if i got a blowjob from a friend i wouldent mind another one… Or reciprocating the favour

  14. Let him know you’re interested, clearly, while letting him also know if you’re okay with remaining just friends.

    Either he goes for it, or he doesn’t. There’s no special trick.

  15. Tell her that you want the relationship to become intimate. If she refuses, let her know that you can no longer be her friend. Do not talk to her again. Men always take big ‘L’ when in the friendzone.

  16. Just be straight to the point.

    It may have a negative outcome where he doesn’t see you as more than a friend and it’ll break the friendship.


    You can tag along and dodge all the men who approach you and hope for your crush to recognize you and learn to love you. You may need to watch him date and cumdump into other women, get married, and hopefully divorced. Then pounce on that opportunity as a single 40-year woman.

    A true love story.

  17. Just walk away. Depending on her reaction, she either valued your friendship or she was using you for attention.

    If the friendship was genuine, then repair it. You don’t have to be close to anyone. You choose who you want in your life, no one else.

  18. Make the first move. Personally, I am completely incapable of figuring out if a girl is into me so I don’t ever make a move

  19. Yeah, but you’ve got to make a hard play. It puts the friendship at risk. Sometimes it better just to look elsewhere.

  20. Well no matter what you do you are betting the friendship, you can either fold and leave the friendship, it’s low reward but once you’ve decided that you aren’t willing to remain as Only friends with him you aren’t really losing anything, the friendship was gone no matter what. Your other option is to just come out a tell him that you’re interested in him and attracted to him and that you want to try dating him. Now, considering that one way or another the friendship is already a write off at this point the only thing that you are really risking with this play is rejection. Now don’t get me wrong, rejections sucks, but that’s what makes the the higher risk, high reward play. Worst case he lets you down gently and at the least spend time apart. And if he didn’t let you down gently, then he wasn’t worth either your friendship or your affections.

  21. If you haven’t expressed how you feel to them *clearly,* then start there. And I do mean *clearly,* no “I hope he gets the hint,” put it in words that leave nothing in question.

    If you have expressed how you feel and were turned down, then you walk – either back to being friends or completely away. That’s that. For whatever reason they’ve decided a relationship with you isn’t on the table, and your only proper option at that point is to respect their decision. Once you’re turned down, there’s no “all guys are horny so obviously he wants you if you try hard enough,” there’s no “send nudes, that’ll convince ’em!” and there’s no “well guys want you to ask first anyways so just make the first move.” Respect them by respecting their choice and move on, same as you’d want any guy you’ve turned down in the past to do to you.

  22. I always avoided the friend zone by using open communication.

    It’s hard to have an ambiguous relationship when you say “I want to kiss you”, “I want to take your clothes off” etc.

    Either they are cool with it or you chase a different person.

  23. It depends why you are in the friendzone. There is 3 possible options:
    1) the obvious one. You have a cool personality, but aren’t physically attractive enough for me to want to date you. Your options are yo stay in the friendzone or have a glow up
    2) we started as friends for whatever reason and r just never considered each other. Maybe we’ve been seeing other people or something. But if we did consider each other we’d be down. All you gotta do is broach the subject, so he starts considering you
    3) we started as friends and I did develope feelings for you, but I’m afraid of ruining our friendships, so I’m trying figure out how to figure out if you are interested and tiptoe through the situation as gracefully as possible. If you bring it up, your feelings will be reciprocated and you’ll be out of the friendzone.

    What you should absolutely NOT do is give one half assed hint, which he’ll miss and then he like “ah, guess I’m in the friendzone. Time to move on.” How do you know you aren’t in situation 2 or 3 girl?!

  24. Be direct and say you like them. Don’t drop hints. Even the biggest hints (like buying 2 tickets to a hockey game and saying he can take anyone he wants, while winking) could seriously backfire (he took his Dad).

    We were friends for over 10 years, and finally we were in a situation where we were face to face, so we kissed.

    We’ve been together for 14 years, married for 4. Biggest risk I took in my life, going in for that kiss. We were both scared that a relationship wouldn’t work and we would lose the friendship. I married my best friend, who “friend-zoned me”.

    Yes it is possible. But… be ready for devastation if it doesn’t work

  25. Saw your post history and you are very cute. You’re probably just not his type.

    If I had any feedback it’s to try to gain a little confidence and let things happen naturally. You have a lot of posts about issues with dating, and being friendzoned, and not feeling good about yourself. RELAX GIRL. You are only 23 and cute as hell. Just live your life and approach dating opportunities as they arise. Stop worrying so much. It bleeds through into your personality and it can be a turnoff.

    If you already made your feelings known to this crush and he directly rejected you, then just move on.

    If you’re okay with a continued friendship knowing that there won’t ever be any romantic feelings, then that’s fine as well, but you need to be fully honest with yourself about that.

  26. Men rarely friend zone women, they fuck zone them. A FWB is the female equivalent of the friend zone for men.

    Men are really easy to seduce because they are intolerably horny all the time. It wouldn’t be hard to get him to have sex with you. It would be very difficult to get him to commit to you though. It’s probably not possible.

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