How does someone look like a b\*\*\*

Also, is this meant to represent someone’s character and personality, or is it purely based on aesthetics?

  1. It just means someone’s default/passive expression may make them appear aloof, annoyed or unfriendly to others (due to lacking a smile or having their lips turned downwards, them frowning etc). It doesn’t necessarily say anything about the person’s thoughts or personality.

    I tend to stare off into the distance and frown when I’m in deep focus, and don’t smile often outside of conversations with my partner or friends; but I could simply be pondering about what dog breeds have the cutest puppies, even if I seem deadly serious on the outside.

  2. It means you look mad, or always in a bad mood – even when you are happy. You just have a face that is hard to read and seems mad or angry.

  3. It’s purely aesthetic. It means that your resting neutral facial expression is being read as unwelcoming, unpleasant, judgmental, or intimidating by the person saying it. Some people’s default expressions are culturally perceived as pleasant and friendly. Other people’s default expressions are perceived as unpleasant and unfriendly. It doesn’t mean anything about the person or their personality. It’s entirely an aesthetic impression based on the observer’s perception.

  4. Your neutral facial expression appears angry or aloof.

    How is this something that you need to “ask women” and don’t just “ask Google?”

  5. It’s about the person’s neutral expression- how their features look when they staring out into space and not really thinking about much of anything. A friend of mine with resting bitch face regularly gets people asking why she’s so angry at such moments, because her neutral expression looks like she’s plotting a homicide.

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