Here in LA, I started seeing these stickers on cars within the last 2 year or so.

They will be plastered (some more than others) on the back windshield or on that small window area in the back seat (the part that doesnt roll down). IIRC, it’s usually [half a face](

but for real extreme ones, I see [HUGE stickers]( on the door.

sometimes it’s just a few, sometimes it’s both of these stickers combined.

I remember when I first started driving (2003/2004), I would see very few anime-related and they would be more [subtle](


Are these types of stickers popular in your area, specifically if you live in a big city like LA ? When did this start happening ?

  1. They’ve probably been a thing since 2016, JDM culture and anime culture are closely linked and of course with anime comes ahegao

  2. Also in So Cal, and yeah, I see a lot of anime stickers on cars.

    I was talking to a friend of mine who’s into car culture about this very subject, and he believes this started with fans of Initial D getting into racing once they could drive, and those two subcultures becoming more generally intertwined as they grew to be the more senior members of the community.

  3. I’ve seen that like twice. It’s weird. Once more gen z kids are drivers there will probably be more lol

  4. I think it’s primarily a Southern California thing. When I lived in Boston and in Chicago, I never saw them. They were around when I first left California and there were more when I came back.

  5. I can’t recall ever seeing a car with one of those stickers. I used to work at a place where we did vinyl wraps for cars, we never had a request for this. I think there’s a subculture where you live.

  6. This a car-people thing that’s been around in varying degrees for a long time. At this point people are doing it ironically for the most part so you see it a lot more often than you used to. Ahegao shit is pretty specific and on the extreme side but even people who aren’t really into anime are slapping waifus on their shit these days.

    Anime culture is huge in general and has a lot of crossover with JDM car culture for obvious reasons. Plus car people love stickers. There are people who sit up at night refreshing obscure Japanese websites trying to buy some limited release holographic bumper sticker with engrish on it.

  7. Seeing more of them in CenCal too. I try not to judge but not too hard. Seems kinda skeevy.

  8. Ahegao was sorta a meme at my high school. You’d see stickers on lockers or backpacks, a few of those sweaters, and maybe a couple on cars. Since then, never seen one in public.

    The anime stickers are another thing. See a few of those every few weeks, but then again, it’s a college town.

  9. There are definitely a few cars around here that have big anime stickers, but at a rate of like 1 car in several hundred thousand.

  10. It’s more common with younger people. More prevalent since late 2010s. It’s gross. Most of them are just porn. Get it off your shitbox, you’re not cool.

  11. I put stickers and wraps on cars for a living and I’ve only ever seen one anime sticker in person, and it was pretty tame, definitely not very common in my area

  12. I see them maybe 2-3 times a week commuting, mostly around the university [surprise, surprise].

  13. I see so many little stickers and decals on people’s cars. I am pretty sure I have seen that half-face one specifically, but it’s not something that sticks out in my mind as a “thing.”

    I have definitely never seen a full anime door sticker or wrap, or anything remotely porno-style.

  14. It’s bigger in SoCal but anime has somehow reached the level where it’s mildly socially acceptable to put shit on your cars

  15. In Dallas I’ve seen people with anime stickers on their car. It’s not common by any stretch, about as frequent as (or less than) the stick figure family decals

  16. There’s a lot of them here in Phoenix everything from little vinyl stickers to whole car wraps. Been seeing this shit for like a decade.

  17. We have one in my apt complex. Fairly mild, no Ahego but he has got loli characters on his car with “HENTAI” written like the “obey” stuff

  18. They became popular as JDM and kanjo racing started to take off in the tuner scene in america, thing is though, it’s not cheap, a full custom anime wrap on your specific tuner could easily be 300+, is it worth it? If your into that and you actually have a fast car then sure. Over here it’s less common, we tend to go for straight tuner’s, infact, I think i’m the only one with a import JDM/ kanjostyle car

  19. I first noticed ahegao merch during college in Eugene, Oregon. Sometime between 2014-2017. It was a high school kid wearing the ahegao hoodie.

    Poor kid shot himself in the foot if he ever wanted to get with girls. Here’s hoping he’s grown out of it and caught up by now.

  20. Never seen an ahegao sticker. Regular anime stickers themselves are popular. I have two on my car but they are just symbols not characters.

  21. I’ve only seen something like this once. In southern Illinois about 20 years ago a guy at my college had a bunch of this and the words KOREAN PRIDE across the hood. Otherwise, I’ve never seen this around home or in my travels.

  22. I’ve been living in Chicago ever since I was born and I’ve only seen those kinds of stickers once, it’s on a car that’s usually parked at the end of my block. I find it cringeworthy, I don’t think it’s a thing.

  23. Last decade or so when anime became mainstream among zoomers. Now they can afford cars and some have some extra money. Anime liveries and decals are an import from Asia where car otaku crossover culture has been around for longer. Ahegao face is very very zoomer humor. The fact that it’s weird and cringe even to weebs is the literal point, that’s why it’s funny. Subculture identity is very important among zoomers. Doubly so if boomers in particular think it’s weird and cringe.

  24. There’s a lot of them here in El Paso, but I think they are mostly on the cars of the soldiers stationed here, not the local people.

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