been dating a girl for 3 months now, we have been on maybe 8 or 9 dates because she’s very busy with her career, so we only go on 1 date per week basically. she’s been telling many of her close friends that we’re dating, and she’s asking if I want to join her with her good friend for lunch one day.

We haven’t had the exclusivity talk yet, and I feel like we’re not at that point where I’m ready to commit to her. Frankly 8 or 9 dates after 3 months isn’t a lot, and we haven’t been that intimate to the point where I’m feeling emotionally attached to her. I’m not sure I’m ready to be introduced to her friends yet. But I feel like if I decline to meet her friends, she might think that I’m not that into her or the relationship. I think she’s moving at a faster pace here than I am… and the bigger issue is that I’m not feeling a strong emotional bond to her as I have in some prior relationships.

How should I tell her that I’m not ready to meet her friends yet? or should I just go meet them?

  1. Don’t meet the friends if you’re not ready. Tell her that you need some time to get to know her better.

  2. Nah, man, if you’re not ready, then don’t meet them. Just straight up tell her about it(nicely), and if she doesn’t respect that and starts arguing/getting mad, as yourself if you’re okay with her forcing you into things all the time. Coz she will.

  3. > we haven’t been that intimate to the point where I’m feeling emotionally attached to her. I’m not sure I’m ready to be introduced to her friends yet. But I feel like if I decline to meet her friends, she might think that I’m not that into her or the relationship

    I suppose it would be too honest to be candid. So do a lie by omission and meet her friends.

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