So started sleeping with this guy. It’s nice. He hardly makes a sound but I know he enjoys and very much likes it all by just how much he tries to make me cum.

But twice now when I’m enjoying myself and cumming hard I’ve opened my eyes and his face is just so intense and staring at me.
His eyes are wide open and his brow is furrowed and he is just staring at me super intensely. I’m not sure if he’s worried about me being hurt or what. Is he ok?

  1. It’s just what he likes to do. He doesn’t know that it weirds you out. But it’s creeping me out just thinking about it. He’s fine though. Nobody is in their right mind when they are having sex. Lol

  2. I never say a word or moan and I stare at my wife when she is orgasming because it is so hot. She said that it took a while to get used to me being quiet, but I love just taking it in.

  3. Intense focus on your partner’s face is one potential sign of what we might call a service top; a person whose first or primary motivation is to please their partner during sex while providing the energy or drive for the sex. (Google ‘Owen Gray’ as an example (NSFW- porn) and look at his face when he is topping.)


    Many men are taught that their role in a sexual encounter is to provide an orgasmic experience to their partner. That means your partner is probably trying to read your expression to determine if you’ve reached a climax. After he is confident you have climaxed, he may transition into a more relaxed state because he feels like he has fulfilled his role.


    Alternatively, it is also very common to be aroused by watching and listening to your partner orgasm. To a person like that, your orgasm and the visual and auditory collection of stimuli is a wealth of sensation.

  4. You could ask him, but people often look strange when they’re cumming, or about to cum, or trying not to cum too soon ;). I wouldn’t worry about it.

  5. He’s probably really trying to focus on having you feel good, preforming well, and not busting a nut too early.

    For most younger guys, the #1 thing about sex is trying NOT to come. It’s just how it is.

    Eventually when you’ve been with a partner long enough, you get more comfortable, you’re not as worried about 1 “bad” performance, and you’re okay putting your needs ahead of hers on occasion.

  6. > I’m not sure if he’s worried about me being hurt or what. Is he ok?

    strange assumption. has he ever *said* anything indicating that? if not, then don’t worry about it.

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