Reading the AskMen post about body counts has made me wonder if other women have preferences when it comes to their potential partner’s number of past sexual partners. What’s your preference, if any?

  1. I don’t care to know. I’m not curious about it and have no desire to ask or talk about past sexual partners. I had one ex casually bring up that he’d been with over 100 women. I didn’t see him differently after he told me, but I did voice that I wasn’t interested in his past sex life and that was the end of that.

  2. within 10 i’d say, i’d like for someone with generally the same as me, but if i really like someone their body count dont matter

  3. Depending on what age I meet them, if I meet them at 21 then I expect not more than 8. If I meet them at 18 then not more than 2. If I meet them at the ages of 30, 35, etc. what matters more is whether they practice safe sex and whether they have STDs.

  4. I feel like rather than a body count I care more about experience. It doesn’t matter how many people they’ve been with as long as it gives them the experience required to be good in the bedroom.

  5. I dont care, as long as they’re clean and can get me where I’m going.

  6. I don’t give a fuck about a meaningless thing. My preference if for people who don’t give a fuck also

  7. I’m a little hesitant with complete virgins. I don’t really love that teaching role. Other than that, I don’t care at all.

  8. I don’t care. My husband’s body count is *huge*.. but it doesn’t worry me, in fact I’m pretty sure it’s one of the reasons he’s so great in bed.

  9. I prefer to be with someone who has a similar level of experience to me. But it’s not a big deal as long as they’re comfortable talking about sex and not giving me STIs.

  10. How many people someone has had sexual encounters with means less than nothing to me

  11. I prefer lower body count, because it indicates person have similar view as I. I’m very romantically alligned when it comes to sex, I need relationship and deep feelings for it. So I prefer a partner who feels the same way.

  12. I don’t have a preference for that, because I’m not an immature idiot who thinks sex makes someone a better or worse person.

  13. I care more about compatibility and attitude. My husband has only one, and that’s fine. I’ve dated people with wide-ranging numbers. I know some are aggressively anti-knowledge when it comes to sexual pasts, but I’m comfortable with knowing and sharing. It’s just a piece of information to me, like where you grew up or your favorite color.

  14. I don’t care, just as long as they don’t call it a “body count”. That’s such a dehumanizing and disrespectful term.

  15. Doesn’t bother me, my ex’s list was probably massive but he definitely knew how to please me.

  16. I don’t care, and I prefer my partners not to care either. When I was younger, I thought that your ‘body count’ would end up being significant and affect your life in a lot of ways. It really doesn’t lol

  17. I don’t have a preference, but I expect them to be clean/tested between partners.

  18. Yes, I have a preference. I think most people do, but since we all have different preferences there is someone for everyone.

  19. To me, it has less to do with however many people my partner has previously slept with, and more to do with their attitude towards whatever that number is and how they act towards me, in this relationship, now.

  20. no, slutshaming is childish and pathetic. sexual freedom is a beautiful thing and i don‘t care about „the number“ as long as they don‘t have some stupid double standards about it or obviously if they’re careless with protection.

  21. I don’t care but it is slightly worrying when they have a bigger number and know THE exact number of the top of their head.

  22. Body count doesn’t matter. 0? I can teach your things. More than 0? You got experience. That’s it. I could say that maybe a high body count would be beneficial even cause they have more experience

  23. I’ve never cared as long as they didn’t have a dodgy history with women and didn’t have anything that could be passed on to me. We all have pasta, that’s life.

  24. I don’t care… To a certain extent.

    What worries me about high body counts (like 60+ people or something) is that they might denote an attitude towards sex that is not healthy. Using sex as a coping mechanism for example, using sex to solve self worth issues, relying on sex to feel good about life, treating sexual partners as disposable objects.

    If someone has a high body count but doesn’t have these issues, or had them in the past but worked on it and no longer does, that’s fine for me. Also I don’t mind people being virgins as long as, again, they dont have an unhealthy attitude or vision of sex.

  25. I never ask. Imo, ‘body count’ is only relevant when discussing natural disasters and serial killers.

  26. Genuinely have no preference. As long as they’re clean, considerate and have open communication, we’re good.

  27. That sort of thing means nothing to me. The past is the past. I don’t know my husband’s number and he doesn’t know mine.

  28. No, I’m not insecure about my sexual status. I really feel like being picky about body count is split 50/50 between people who have weird moral hang ups and people who can’t admit to themselves that they’re worried that they’re not good enough as a sexual partner (whether that’s the sex itself, the way they look, the things they’re willing to do, something else).

  29. Generally people that have gotten out and experienced a large variety not just sexually but just in life too have a better understanding about themselves and others ….so they can give You the best of them and normally understand You a bit better too

  30. I’d prefer someone who doesn’t refer to past partners with language like “body count.”

  31. Don’t care as long he not comparing me with them or any of them or if he talks about it all the time like bragging its a no no for me.

    Otherwise I don’t care, as long he gives me a orgasm too, hopefully more tho.

  32. I haven’t slept with anyone myself, but for my partner I would want someone with a body count of 10 or less. It would be too much of a turn off if he had a high body count and consequently I can’t imagine me dating him.

  33. I prefer a lower body count. I’ve observed a huge difference in behavior, attitude, and values between those with high body counts and those with low body counts. So it does have to matter for me.

  34. I prefer someone with experience, as long as they’re clean and don’t call it “body count”.

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