I (19 F) am not a very confident person when it comes to social interactions. I’m used to people being toxic because that’s what my teenage years was, toxic friends all around (I don’t have toxic friends anymore but I still have to deal with toxic people from time to time, they’re not friends tho just people I know that don’t like me). To try to boost my confidence I decided to maybe try to emulate a character I really like to make me less anxious in my current interactions. Is this a good idea or is it bound to fail? It’s not like I’m gonna become one of those delusional people that truly believe they are a fictional character it’s just me taking after them and nothing will affect my identity. The funny part is that it’s a character that isn’t well known at all so that’s fun.

  1. No it sounds like you’re dissociating in the area that gave you trauma: relationships

  2. This is just my take – but I do think that part of the journey of your late-teens/early-twenties is sorta doing what you are doing: “trying on” different characters, identities, social groups, and ways of living.

    Over time you learn you like bits of this personality or that social dynamic, and you build your own identity and your own relationships that are your own and that fit you really well.

    And when you get to *that* point – you care alot less about what many people think – and you know what really matters for you. And *that* is true confidence.

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