Women who chose to have a child-free life, how is everyday life for you?

  1. Amazing, a lot of my friends had children and all they do is whine and complain, meanwhile I’m free to do whatever I want whenever I want

    It’s amazing lol

  2. Awesome. Wouldn’t trade it for the world. I love being able to sleep in. I love being able to spend all my money on myself. Would highly recommend.

  3. Goddamn it’s awesome. Freedom, disposable income, naps, peace and quiet. According to Twitter though someday I will realize how empty and devoid of fulfillment my life is. Gotta live it up while it lasts.

  4. I work with kids on a daily basis as a counselor. I love kids, but would not want to deal with the stress myself of having one. I work, hangout with my partner and cats, and relax.

  5. For a long time I waited for that shoe to drop or that “I need to be a mom!” Alarm to go off but……it never did.

    So life is good! The last five years have been the absolute hardest of my life, this year is looking like it’s going to be the sixth. All I want is a boring year where nothing much happens.

    I cherish the quiet, boring days when I can just watch bad reality tv on the couch with my dogs.

  6. It’s the life I always wanted. Peaceful, relaxing, but also adventurous. I booked a trip to Paris and then Singapore because I felt like it. I love it.

  7. Pretty great. I’m in a master’s program and it would not be easy to do it w/ children.

  8. Pretty great. I love being able to come home after work to a clean and quiet house, can take my time making dinner and not be on anyone else’s schedule and just wind down. Also having a dual income and not have to use a third or more of it on child care is a huge stress reliever. On weekends can sleep in and do as my husband and I please and spend time on our individual hobbies, or go on nice dates.

  9. It’s great. I went to work today, decided around 4pm I wanted to do a little shopping. So I got gas, went shopping and won the fight I had with myself about going to Starbucks. I then came home, took care of my puppy, and spent the last 3 hours in bed. About to head to sleep.

  10. It’s great because I can have sex whenever I want, swear as much as I want and I can have a shot after work while my pregnant with 2 kids friend wishes she could drink and just plop on the couch without worrying about her 2 year old stealing whatever she is drinking and her 5 year old trying to dive off the couch onto her lap as soon as she sits down.

  11. Wonderful. Since I’m a night owl with homeoffice I prefer to start my workday at 6 PM and work until 1-2 AM. Then I go to bed and sleep until 10 AM’ish.
    I have a snackdraw in my desk and if I feel like taking 30 minutes some time during my workday and read for a bit while drinking tea and wolfing down a snickers, nobody says boo(“hooo, I want chocolate tooo! Mommy share!”

    The only thing missing is an office assistance with fur and whiskers, but I’ll be checking out applicants at the local animal rescue over new year.

  12. I’m still broke, but I’ve got less worries and stress! Naps anytime I want! I can go do whatever without worrying about a babysitter or if it is child friendly. I wouldn’t trade it for anything!

  13. Mostly fantastic. I heavily invested in my nieces/nephews and the children of my friends. I don’t dislike kids, I love kids! I fully show up when I can.

    I do have a great job full of travel and adventure, so having no kids is a lot easier. I don’t think I could maintain my schedule with children.

    Sometimes at home, when it’s just my husband and I and my dogs, it feels really quiet and I sense I have boundless energy and love to give, and nowhere to put it. I will not discount that. I give it to my art, my friends, my dogs, my family, but I don’t get to nurture exactly a way that I think must be some small bell-like call of motherhood.

    Maybe some tiny human is in the picture for me, down the road? I don’t know. Maybe I’ll foster, maybe I’ll mentor? Life is full of endless possibilities and I don’t need my own biological child to be a mother, so I live to the fullest and keep my head up for who needs help and love.

    You just never know.

  14. Phenomenal. Peace and quiet, and the ability to do whatever I want whenever I want is priceless. And it’s not just about vacations and parties, I vacation once a year and haven’t been to a party in years. It’s about being able to sit down and eat in peace, watch whatever I want on tv at anytime, do whatever hobbies I want anytime, go to the bathroom in peace, do literally any basic everyday activity in peace, without a kid crying, asking me questions, wanting something from me, etc. I can have whatever schedule I want, wake up and go to bed when I want.

  15. Hard enough without kids. I couldn’t imagine how I’d deal with kids on top of that. I do have several pets though with some special needs.

  16. I don’t have kids, pets, or even plants. I enjoy the freedom including not having to worry about more things than I have to.

    Edit: I don’t have a partner either. I am content with life right now and never feel lonely.

  17. My life is amazing! I am the only person that needs to be fed, clothed and cared for.

  18. It’s great and amazing. I’m also single which means I don’t have to go begging and pleading to anyone for permission to do anything, buy anything, or go anywhere. If I want something, I never have to consider anyone else and the only thing that would stop me from getting it right then and there is if I have to save up for a little bit then get it. I can’t image turning to the complete opposite; just that thought turns my stomach.

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