I’m just happy. Calmly, privately, happy. I am beyond at peace with my partner. We are 1.5 years in, still haven’t fought. Disagreements so far have been calmly and rationally handled. I love to spend my time with him, and vice versa. We are maximum silly together and enjoy just being in each others’ company. No judgment, just love.

Living together in the future will be amazing, coming home to my best friend every night and waking up to him in the morning. He is thoughtful, kind, empathetic, and most of all, competent lol. Does his chores, cleans, handles all of his own responsibilities. I don’t have to babysit him.

My parents love him. If that’s not the biggest green flag, beyond my own opinion, I don’t know what is. I respect the hell out of him. His morals and actions, his relationship with his family.

It just feels incredible to have found such a partner. I saw a video recently about high functioning depression and have never felt so seen, just in the way it identified my daily actions. I broke down and cried to him about it and he just listened. Came up with ideas of things for us to do, or not do. Supportive and perfect. Love you, love of my life 🙂

TLDR; happy gal dating a happy guy, madly in love, disgusting mushy post. Feel free to skip.

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