Like when i want to go to sleep. Because there is work in the morning. I’m trying not to be a zombie and go to sleep on time. But she gets angry that i don’t stay up longer and chat with her.

I know she will get angry, she does every time. And i used to suffer because of this, now i just go to sleep anyways. But like, how the heck do i deal with this, i’m so fed up. She is a good girl, but like sometimes, it feels like she doesn’t think about me at all. Thats the only way i can explain it.

Idk, i’m just curious, does this happen in all relationships? like everything else is good. But the topic of sleep is hell.

TL;DR: she doesn’t let me sleep. gets angry every time, not sure what to do.

  1. Do you two have completely different work schedules? Do you work early in the mornings as compared to her?

  2. You tell her you’re not going to tolerate it anymore — and you mean it.

    Honestly, what is the point of a “partner” who does not care about your physical wellbeing? I can’t think of anything more selfish than *wanting* your partner to suffer.

    I would question the character of someone like that. I’m surprised you’re trying to “accept” it.

  3. Sleep deprivation is what they do to torture you. None of this is ok and she’s abusive if she keeps you awake every night against your will.

    You are right to ignore it and go to sleep. You are permitted to break up with her, if you’re looking for permission from us. Getting reliably mad every day for you going to sleep is controlling as f. She’s a horrible person and after 2 times it’s a pattern, I don’t know how long you’ve gone on like this but it’s too long.

    You could be pettty and wake her up every day at 7 am and talk to her about nothing to prove a point. But the best thing to do is sit her down very seriously and tell her honestly that it has to stop. If she tries to keep you up, talks to you, or gets mad about this ever again you’re done. Then the next time she does it f*king end the relationship on the spot and move out.

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