What are some well paying jobs one can get without a university degree?

  1. You can make a good living as a plumber, especially if you are motivated to set out on your own once you have the experience. Really just being self motivated can do it.

    I have a buddy who started out a carpet cleaning company out of high school. He added mold mitigation and drywall work, and built that up to a full remodeling company. The dude now buys shitty homes, renovates them, rents them out, and then takes loans against them to buy more properties. He is 29 years old and has almost 30 rental properties. Doing better than anyone I know who went to college.

  2. Heavy Equipment operator. I just recently got a job (without any experience, degree, or even a highschool diploma) and am making prevailing wage. 33-50$ hr. I havent even started training on the Equipment yet, but once i do itll go up to about 40-60+$ hr.

  3. Pretty much any trade. I clear 200k a year and while I have a bachelor’s degree, i don’t use it in my current career and only got it because my company offered tuition assistance so I could move into management later if I wanted to. University is bullshit. I paid cash for my trade license, graduated at 20, and have made more money than anyone I know with a degree at the same age, with no debt.

  4. Many skilled trades (you said university, not college) pay better than many university jobs. A plumber or electrician can easily take home more than a middle manager at a corporate office. I worked in insurance for 15 years (also college degree), and I pulled in over $60K a year plus commission. A long haul truck driver with a clean record can make over a hundred G a year as an owner operator. The list goes on and on.

    Besides, you didn’t say what kind of university degree, and that detail matters. A lawyer or medical doctor can pull in a lovely income with their degree(s), but a BA in creative writing isn’t exactly in demand. A chemical or structural engineer can make six figures a year in their field, but not all university degrees are of equal value in the employment market. A graduate of sociology or gender studies might have a diploma to hang on the wall, but (unless a teaching position opens up) they better get used to flipping burgers or folding sweaters for a living.

  5. If you have a rich af parent, nepotism helps.

    Or become a drug dealer. Or write a novel that somehow becomes a bestseller

  6. Drug dealer, shipper, manufacturer and smuggler all have huge earning potential with no degree requirements. High turnover though.

  7. Almost any IT job, you can study online and get certified for way less money. I make 75k with no degree, not bad.

  8. I’m a solutions architect for a software company making low 6 figures and i never finished college. Before that I was a programmer.

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