What is your biggest grievance in your current/past relationships?

  1. When they want you to do something but they don’t want to you tell what it is. You’re just supposed to know. And they’re mad that you don’t.

  2. She was selfish until I stopped talking.

    She was digging into misandry after her ex left.

    She did and still does have issues, like not funny raising her daughter to be a little messed up socially.

    She is just a mess that I regret getting involved with, but made me decide to improve my life in every area and avoid dating (it’s not my demographic around here)

  3. She didn’t disclose to me that she cheated on her bf in middle school. I never would have married her had I known she committed the worst act possible.

  4. Women don’t know how to dirty talk.

    Literally never had another carryover issue but I’ve dated one girl who had half an idea how to do it and I got fuckin obsessed and spooked her off. She’s the only one I still think about sometimes.

  5. A lot of my dates/ relationships were really hard work. Not like the normal work to maintain a relationship, but more like I was expected to do everything to keep her around while she simply had to be there.

    After it became clear it was headed in that direction, I ended things which usually made her livid. As in, because she didn’t understand my position then it wasn’t a valid position. Most of them didn’t understand that acting like she didn’t want to be there conveyed a pretty clear message.

  6. Boring, unenthusiastic sex and a unwillingness to do anything differently. past relationship.

  7. Last time we spoke (little over a year ago), she rejected the fact that she cheated on me with the very guy who would beat her and tried to r*** her.

  8. that we can work — we did work — but she broke it off with me and I’ve still got doubts on why.

  9. No matter what, it’s an unrequited love – and I mean this as going both ways. The one woman I ever truly loved didn’t feel the same about me. I’ve had women really into me, even implying she loved me – I didn’t feel the same for her. EVERY DAMN TIME.

  10. I was a pretty crappy friend for a while. Would flake on everything, completely unreliable, and dishonest. It took a lot of work to fix those behaviors but I still lost some friendships from it.

  11. Clingy.

    She felt the need to talk or text as much as humanly possible throughout the day about little stuff. Talking that much is mentally exhausting for me and makes it lose it’s value. It also didn’t help that I was always in the middle of something and would get upset when I didn’t reply.

  12. My own inability to see what I brought to make the relationship not work, or not end fast enough.

  13. She got boring so I bolted. Like saying the same things over and over again and always ordering same thing at a restaurant. Also wouldn’t stop talking about people at work and how she was being wronged. Whinging basically.
    Sounds petty but it got tiresome and couldn’t see a future.

  14. Past, she had serious mental health problems that started to unravel some time after we moved in together. Anger issues and depression combined with bipolar or something made her violent and unpredictable. She threatened suicide at some point if I left her. Couple of attempts and I was stuck not wanting her to die and not knowing how I could help. Eventually got out, but those were rough times.

  15. The one I was hoping would stay left and the one that wanted me to stay came to me for the wrong reasons and when my life goals had changed.

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