Seeing as that I hear and see a lot of disappointment from the Americans in Biden’s first year and things are only gradually getting worse, would you Americans want Trump back in office in 2024?

  1. As a right of center voter.

    No, absolutely not and I have been promoting Republicans I know, especially those in my family to vote against him in the primaries.

  2. Not particularly. There are better options for a potential Republican president in 2024.

  3. No. Biden isnt great but he’s much better than trump. Biden inherited a lot of his problems from trump directly and is facing an uphill battle with the GOP. That being said, i would like them both out and get a younger DEM in office.

  4. Disappointment in the new person is not an endorsement of the one they replaced.

    Personally, I’m grateful that the President no longer dominates social media and news. They’re supposed to be an executive leader getting things done, not an attention whoring weirdo.

  5. Me, watching the hell fire start to rain. (I don’t like him but the other option is fucking joe so why the hell not.)

  6. No, I dislike the Biden administration, but Trump is not the solution. I just want a president that stops involving us in stupid wars.

  7. Absolutely not. Not least of which because it would throw our foreign policy into disarray which would be to Putin’s advantage.

  8. No. There are Republicans I would vote for if they ran, but there is not a chance in hell I would ever cast a vote for Trump. If Trump is the GOP nominee, I won’t even have a decision to make.

  9. I greatly prefer disappointment over attempts to overthrow the government. I voted for Biden, and even though I don’t like him very much I do not regret it.

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