I have been on and off with my boyfriend for a couple of years. We started seeing each other while he was in another relationship. Eventually that ended and we have been together for about a year. I have been told many times he was sleeping with other women during the time span of 3 years and have always forgiven him. Recently at a party another girl approached me claiming that she had kissed him a while back. Lining up to a night he was with his friends. In the heat of the moment I ended up making out with one of his friends for briefly and immediately regretted it. Later My boyfriend denies kissing this girl and says she is lying. We have decided to try and work things out but I feel really guilty about what I did. Should I tell him and if so how do I do it?

  1. You should tell him. If you forgave him, he can find it in his heart to forgive you. And if he can’t then he’s not worth it

  2. Well you really went 0-100 there, believing a random girl without talking to him first, then making out with his FRIEND as revenge. Good luck coming back from that one.

  3. He was in a relationship when you got together. You knew exactly who he was and what you were getting into.

  4. Please stay together. You two deserve each other. No need to make other people miserable with your cheating.

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