I’m not very sociable or captivating when I talk with people. I can take time figuring out my words and making myself clear in text but not in person. I feel like I tend to get nervous around people and I mess up my words or get flustered in how to respond (I don’t know how to respond sometimes and I end up making no sense or say something I later regret). I get excitable or pretty hyped up when someone talks to me and I don’t like that about myself a lot. It makes me feel like I can’t have a basic or a good conversation with someone without messing up. I’d like to be more articulate and careful when I speak and I’m willing to put in effort to make it possible.

Advice and suggestions are greatly appreciated. Thank you!

  1. I usually tackle these problems by confronting them. Could you try to talk with people even more?

  2. You might not like the answer, but its really just practice. The best practice is just talking to people, whether its people you know or random people. You can do practice alone by playing a game where you write 3-5 random words and you just talk out loud incorporating those words. Bonus points for recording yourself and watching it back and analyze things to improve like tone and just overall how you say things

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