After having known my doctor for several months, at some point during a regular check up, he carressed my cheeks (it was a very quick sort of “brushing” motion with closed hands over my face) while saying: “cute, little thing”. Mind you, it sounded not creepy, rather sweet. Maybe a bit patronizing though, almost like a parent talking to a child. I just kind of smiled sheepishly and didn´t object because I found him attractive. So that clouded my judgement of course. I still ask myself if his behavior was inappropriate or not and what I might´ve done to trigger it and it sent me down a spiral of rumination. Especially in retrospect, it does strike me as inappropriate and makes me feel anxious. At that time I was 28 years old, the doctor in his 40ies. I´ve gotten some advice on reddit on this so far and start to realize that what he did was highly inappropriate. I struggle with the situation because he used to be a doctor that I trusted a lot and felt very comfortable with but now I´m always super nervous when I have an appointment and last time even considered having a drink to be able to muster up the courage to be there. I don´t want to have to go to another doctor because it´s hard to find a good one in my area and would be draining to establish a good connection etc. So I´d prefer to be able to sort things out with this doctor. How do I go back to not feeling anxious around him anymore and able to trust again? I feel like I´m overreacting but that´s just how the situation made me feel. He also at some point offered me a hug which I had accepted and that confused me further. I think I´m highly confused by that guy and his behavior.

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