Hello all, I (33f) met a guy (35) online and we recently met up for our first date. It went really well, we both seemed to have a good time with good conversation, mutual interests, similar sense of humor and so on. We perhaps got ahead of ourselves and started coming up with fun activities to do in the future but it seemed genuine. I’ll admit he was pretty enthusiastic and I do kind of wonder if he was more impressed by the idea of me than me in reality.

That said, he sent a sweet text the next day and asked to meet up again the following week. We didn’t make any concrete plans, but it seemed like we were on board. We were both pretty busy so we went a few days without texting, but I asked the next week when would be good to meet up. He responded but seemed to evade the question, but we continued chatting/joking, though his responses were coming slower. I brought it up again, suggesting a day and activity unless he’d changed his mind (that last bit was dumb, I know, ugh) and…..crickets. It’s been just shy of two days which is odd since his previous responses were so quick.

I have done the fun overthinking song and dance and I have to ask, is this a sign that this is kaput? I am not sure how to interpret this at all, if he doesn’t like me, that’s cool, but this is confusing and a bit jarring. Any thoughts?

  1. Confidence Attracts!

    Be cool, cut back to weekly check-ins and avoid double/triple/etc. texting.

  2. It seems like he was interested but someone might be getting more of his attention instead now. However, not enough to remove others out of the picture yet. You should move on.

  3. You both have to put effort into it. It won’t work if it is a one way relationship. You will end up getting hurt.

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