Men, have you ever gotten back with an ex even when all hope felt lost?

  1. No, the reason we broke up was still there with all of them so I knew we’d never get back together.

  2. No. My hope may shatter my body may break but I’ll never lay down forever even if it is too late.

  3. Don’t. It’ll hurt. You’ll want them but also wouldn’t be able to forget what happened. Cry it out and move forward.

  4. Yes. It wss nice at first and the sex was even better. She was way more open to doing freaky shit. … but the same problems remained and we ended it.

  5. Nope. Every ex is an ex for a reason. I just move on, no matter how hard it is just focus on moving on. Forget hope or trying to make something work that didn’t. That’s just wasting time and prolonging the pain

  6. Many times , I’ve been a glutton for punishment in the past. Older me now knows it’s a waste of time , and you people are incapable of changing nor improving. I don’t plan on it

  7. Yea because she got divorced and called me up for sex then we did it a few times until she met someone else

  8. I did it once. It was about 10 years after my first marriage failed and the first woman I truly fell in love with after I thought I’d never feel that way again.

    We split, a whole year went by and she called me and asked me out to dinner. At dinner she apologized for everything that happened…. A honest outpouring of regret on how she treated me, why she did, what changed in her life to make her realize it and then painted a picture of our future if we got back together again and how she would treat me. It moved me. I never had a woman in my life literally apologize and then parrot back to me everything I ever wanted in a wife and family. I’ve never had a woman compliment me the way she did.

    Well, we fell into bed, had about 3 weeks of honeymoon style relationship before the same bullshit popped up. The same style of fighting. The same fucking grating way of her arguing and justifying her selfish behaviour. By week 4 I bailed.

  9. I did. It didn’t work just like the first time. Granted it was about 5 years later and she seemed different, but she was still the same person.

  10. I was with a girl for 2 years. I wanted to split for ages but she was the nicest girl ever and our families knew eachother very well so it was awkward and I was always talked to it if it.

    We did split for 6 months, then I met her at a bar on a night out and ended up hooking back up.

    Then spent another 2 years wondering how the fuck I get back out and why I was so stupid

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