At what age did you stop being assigned chores when visiting your parents’ home?

  1. My parents haven’t assigned chores since I was like 8 years old…. I just do things that need to be done

  2. Mine never do. I do go over to dads and change his bed, he is disabled but he pays me. I don’t ask for him to pay me he wanted to make sure he shows he appreciates what I do for him. When I go to mums or MIL I always clean up after my self and kids. They never ask us to but it is our mess and we our responsibility.

  3. When I moved out of their home.
    If I’m visiting, I’ll help out, because I’m a grown up and that’s what adults do, not because I’ve been told to

  4. When I moved out of their house. But I’d always help out with the chores whenever I came home!

  5. I stopped having assigned chores around 14 & just help out when I’m home. especially drunk with my dad when we we all just ate a lot that my mom made & she goes to bed lol

  6. I wasn’t ever assigned chores after moving out. I helped with dishes and stuff if I was over for dinner, but nobody ‘assigned’ it, I just helped.

  7. I was no longer “assigned” chores in high school. I just fulfilled my normal responsibilities to contribute to the house. At 34, I always make sure I help with dishes whenever we have dinner, help wipe down the kitchen, take out the garbage if I notice it is full, etc.

  8. Lol if I go back home today I still get assigned chores. I don’t mind it either.

    I might misunderstanding assigned chores because I get asked and ask others to help out in the house whenever I am staying over or someone else is staying over. Staying at my best friends I’ll obviously help cleaning the house.

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