Random thought that popped into my head so I want to know hive mind. How do you attempt to organise your life? Do you use a digital calendar? A planner? Your memory? Nothing at all?

  1. Largely my memory, I do however use a calendar to block out weekends as planning may be months ahead.

  2. Google calendar for all events. I wouldn’t know where I’m meant to be on any given day without it šŸ˜…

    I then use Google Keep for personal tasks, notes and lists (I’ve used lots of different tools for this and I don’t think it matters which one, just chose keep as it’s part of the same ecosystem as my calendar/email).

    Then Notion for work tasks (again I’ve used q few different platforms in the past – Trello was another favourite – and the key for me is less about which tool I use and more being consistent).

    Keeping everything in one of these 3 places is what is most important for me when it comes to *staying* organised. So if I get an invitation or deadline, it goes in the calendar. If I quickly note something on paper, it gets transferred into Keep later (typed in or photo) if it’s something I need to refer back to beyond that day.

  3. Google calendar. I have way too many things to remember, and some of them are plans over a year in advance. I wouldn’t have a hope of staying on top of things without having a calendar. Until I was about 22 I just did it by memory. But I think that was the age where there started to be too many commitments to just rely on remembering.

  4. The only method I’ve found that has any success is using an A5 paper diary, post its, and colour coded pens. Basically I’m doing bullet journalling but with pre printed diary pages and much less faffing about with fancy designs. I’m still not that organised but I feel more in control this way.

  5. Combination of all

    I trust my mind just fine, 9 times out of 10 I’ll have that internal “you have xx tomorrow at xx” moment, glance at the calender where there is usually a mark/note, check the letter/email and if it is important enough I’ll contact the other party to make sure they are still on.

    Sort of second nature you do it without really thinking about it but I’m not arrogant enough to not have notes etc

  6. old fashioned diary mark everything in it from things to buy, appointments, and just things i want to do on a daily basis (use old carrots before they go off)

  7. Google calendar, Trello for big planning, projects etc, OneNote for important structured notes, Samsung Keep Notes for trivial bitty notes about domestic stuff, Samsung Tasks for home to do and shopping lists, Dashlane password manager, YNAB for budgeting, Driversnote for travel expenses, Runkeeper. Avoid paper by scanning using Adobe Scan.

  8. Outlook calendar synced with my iPhone for both work and personal stuff, telling me where Iā€™m meant to be and what Iā€™m meant to be doing; and then I set myself lots of Slack reminders for workflow stuff. I used to also use google calendar so I could share plans with my GF but stopped when we broke up as itā€™s just duplicating work if itā€™s just me.

  9. I used the Microsoft to do app on my phone. It makes a satisfying ping sound when you check off a task.

    You can set to repeat tasks daily, weekly, etc as well. I just find it incredibly useful.

  10. Combination of a wall calendar and Google Calendar. I normally do a cross reference every couple of weeks or so to check I haven’t missed anything or double booked myself, although it still happens more often than I’d like! I think for me it’s more about checking the calendars when someone suggests something, because otherwise I forget if I have stuff on and then suddenly end up committing to four things on the same day.

  11. I use Google Calendar, with reminders set for anything I’m likely to forget. I use Google Keep for any extra notes, and tasks for to do lists.

    I’d just lose bits of paper or a physical planner, and would probably forget to check/update an actual calendar, so having something that syncs between everything I use and reminds me in advance helps!

  12. Shared calendar with my wife for social events/things we need to do so we donā€™t double book, the notes function on my phone for other bits I need to remember.

  13. I used to try to remember everything in my head, but now it’s a mix ofmy Outlook calendar and a tear away weekly planner, which I write dates on for each week (I could get an actual weekly planner aha, but this was cheaper, and I like how I can just tear out the pages so I don’t worry about being neat!)

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