Was talking with this for a bit. She explained she had plans all weekend with friends due to Halloween and that her replies wouldn’t be the greatest.

I haven’t heard and she didn’t reply to my last text which is understandable as it was just be saying to have fun.

Should I message her or wait to see if she messages first?

  1. You don’t wanna send it too early or you look clingy and eager. I’d probably hold off at least a year to give her some time to respond.

  2. Just text her whenever you like don’t change yourself, if she likes you she will reply back, dont let her play you out bro !!

  3. I always hate that fucking game where you have to think about the time between messages ans if you really want that girl you have to play distant (the worst thing it is that its true)

    As a compromise wait an occasion or something specific to tell her or something like that

  4. I always think of it like this: if a woman really wants to talk and connect with me, she’ll respond eventually. If I have to chase in order to get a response, it’s not worth my time.

  5. why wait just send it quickly. If a girl just texts slow or if you feel that she is less concerned and takes way too much time , then try to prevent texting her

  6. Never text her. She may feel objectified or think that you like her for reasons other than the ones she deems acceptable. Loose her number you creep, stop thinking about her too that’s offensive. By the way the fact that you had to blast this question about y’all’s personal relationship out on social media is horrific and you should lose all your endorsement contracts immediately.

    Ok this is totally bullshit, in case it wasn’t obvious enough. Text her in the middle of the week, maybe a meme or a picture of something interesting, nothing crazy. If she answers you may get her name tattooed onto your balls

  7. Only use texting to set up a date and logistics. Also use of humor when texting helps. Besides that don’t text her.

  8. from a woman: do NOT double text! let her see you’ve got a life and don’t think about her. if you show interest, you become off putting.

  9. I use a complicated formula based on the lunar phase, the way my coffee grounds line the cup, and my star sign.

    No really, perfectly natural to not respond if she’s out with friends. Just shoot her another text sometime this week to set up a date. Today, tomorrow, doesn’t matter.

  10. Message her… ask her how her halloween was! There are no rules for this… it depends on the girl and the conversation….

  11. Dunno, never texted one. When I was seeking out, texting wasn’t yet a thing for most since not everyone had a mobile phone.

  12. If she was truly interested in you she would make the time to contact you no matter what she has going on.

  13. 1. I’m guessing she was using the excuse of hanging with her friends to not reply consistently
    2. Since she is the one that said she would be mostly out of touch, it’s on her shoulders to tell you when she is back in touch
    3. It’s difficult to be on that end so write her once asking how her weekend was and then nothing. If she doesn’t reply, it’s over, move on.

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