I (23f) and my bf (23m) have been dating for almost 6 months. I feel like what I’m about to say is in my head but I can’t shake this. I saw him last Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday and this past Monday. He’s been away for work yesterday and got back today. I’ll probably see him tomorrow and/or Friday and Saturday. We text everyday. Not all day everyday but everyday. Except this passed Sunday where I txted him at 7pm bc i hadn’t heard from him all day.

But idk, something feels different. Maybe it’s bc we’re hitting the 6 month mark and neither of us has had a serious relationship that long and maybe don’t really know what to do when the honeymoon phase wears off?

He hasn’t opened my snap in 2 days. I feel like I’m initiating more of our convos nowadays. He txted me he’ll txt me when his plane gets in. He landed a little before 6 and still hasn’t txted me, almost an hour ago.

TLDR; Idk if this feeling of drifting is just my anxiety or real and idk what to do

1 comment
  1. I’ve felt the same way when I was new to the dating world (I also started dating around 23ish!)

    Time definitely gets away from people and being so new to the dating world he might not know to just give you a heads up when he’s busy and can’t respond right away. You should also reach out and express your feelings so he’s aware of them. Something like “If you know you’ll be busy for several hours can you give me a heads up? It helps my anxiety and I would appreciate it a lot!”

    Initiating conversations can definitely be annoying, I dislike when I’m the only one keeping a conversation going through text. Is he more or an in person/ phone call person though? Some people aren’t big on texting or forget to check their phone. You could ask him what works better for him and try to set up phone dates before bed or facetime.

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