How often do you have condoms slip off? Is it noticeable to you?

  1. Just get the right size.

    Most men who are average size – need small or slim fit condoms.

  2. You’re either using the wrong size or going flaccid. We check periodically… well actually she keeps an eye on me and asks me to keep an eye on her partner. We don’t use one if we’re with each other.

    I can never tell if it starting to slip a little bit.

    There’s nothing worse than losing one, which has happened more than once!

  3. No, if it happens to you, get condoms the right size.

    Like “MySize”-condoms. And please leave your ego out of it when measuring.

    A bad fitting condom will sooner or later result in an unwanted pregnancy.

  4. I can honestly say that that’s never happened before but if it did I’m pretty sure I’d know.

  5. Never because condoms suck I haven’t even bought one in 15 uears and don’t ever plan to. Just gotta get that pull out game strong or make sure she is on birth control

  6. It’s rare, and it’s usually because of a specific position or circumstance. The most dangerous position for this is from behind where you’re both flat on the bed, as that creates more pull, and for circumstance you don’t want your dick to already be lubricated from foreplay activities.

  7. Literally never. Stop buying Magnum Dong™ to impress the cashier and just buy the damn ones that fit your little spaghetti noodle.

  8. Going against the grain here, I’ve had it happen a number of times, but my sessions tend to go for a long time with multiple rounds, and what happens is between rounds the erection can wane a little, and once that happens you risk it slipping off. It’s noticeable though, and you just reapply and go again

  9. Geg the right size it won’t fall off and you don’t need to lube the inside normally cause that’ll only make any slipping worse.

  10. Slipping off entirely during sex, inside the partner? Never happened.

    I had a close call once or twice where it had started to slip a little, but there was still plenty of safety margin left when we discovered it.

  11. When I used to buy regular size condoms it happened a couple times. Got a larger size and never happened since.

  12. Never slide off. They fuckin constrict me. Ive tried a lot of diff sizes but they always constrict me and make it hard to get and stay hard

  13. Never had one slip off but I have broken some, wrong size, and it is very noticeable. Brought the whole thing to a screeching stop.

  14. I usually just buy the standard size and they fit fine most of the time. I need a better designed tip for feeling. Mostly I break trough the tips and need to stop and put on another one.

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