I was remembering that on the bus home from school when I was 11-12-ish that girls from the nearby girls’ school (I went to the boys’s school) would sometimes come up to me giggling, point to a friend/victim who was clearly mortified and ask “would you go out with her??”. I wasn’t especially interested in girls at that age (late bloomer) so I’d say “no” without a second’s thought and they’d run back laughing. I realised at the time that this wasn’t intended to be a compliment to me (I was emphatically not someone that anyone would fancy at that age), but I wanted to know… what was this all about? Some weird way of humiliating the friend/me? Did anyone else experience/do this?

  1. Either their friend fancied you and was too afraid to ask you out directly.

    Or, and I’m sorry but this is quite likely, they were bullying you, and whoever else they did it to. Kids are cruel.

  2. I can’t really answer that, but I can relate to it. Had almost the exact same scenario happen to me when I was 10, except my response was more of an “uhh… let me get back to you.” Which resulted in much the same run-off-giggling reaction.

  3. It’s a way of humiliating you I’m afraid. Used to suffer this too (amongst many other things).

  4. Just kids messing about. You will have been the tenth boy they probably said it to that day. Don’t read anything into it

  5. In my experience, it seemed to be another way of bullying other girls.

    “Will you go out with [nerdy/fat/disabled etc girl]???”

    Obviously they’re going to say no, so it’s another way of making the victim feel rejection.


    The nerdy girl whose “friends” did this.

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