Female here. Just curious cause im going through this situation.

  1. It could be jealousy, it could be they are dealing with their own feelings and want space.

    It could be that they don’t want to do something foolish or feel imposing to the person you are dating.

    All you can really do is be honest and let them know while you dont view them romantically you do value their friendship. After that it will be up to them to make the next step.

  2. Don’t want or need friends. Sorry you misread everything, maybe work on your emotional intelligence.

  3. When you are interested in someone, oftentimes being their friend isn’t possible. It’s painful every day to be presented with feelings you can never act upon.

  4. Because if we want more than she can give, what else is the alternative? To be invasive and push her boundaries trying to change her mind? The best thing we could do if we have strong feelings for her that are going to be unrequited, for whatever reason, is to back off to prevent ourselves from being hurt and to respect her limits. Sometimes when you’re really into someone it’s not emotionally possible to view them solely as a friend despite the fact you may wish you could, the heart yearns for more whether you want it to or not. Trying to ignore your feelings for them or seeing them with someone else might be too much, in which case “becoming distant” is the best thing we can do for everyone involved.

  5. Because they want to be with you and can’t so they are sparing themselves the pain of getting attached and getting heart broken.

  6. He isn’t interested in being friends. Seeing you with someone else makes the interaction unpleasant, so why would he willingly put himself in unpleasant situations?

  7. Because no one wants to be relegated to the friendzone when they don’t want to be.

    Women often get told that they shouldn’t ever let themselves become a guy’s second choice. Why should it be any different for men?

  8. Because if you don’t want to date them, Then they are looking for somebody that will.

  9. Because they aren’t really interested in a friendship, they wanted either a romantic relationship or just a sexual relationship

  10. I like the smell of fresh cookies but if I’m not allowed to eat them then being around them is more torture than enjoyment

  11. Unrequited love sucks. Time is a limited resource so it’s better invested in pursuing your own goal of finding a partner

  12. They were secretly hoping to be more than friends. Now it’s evident that isn’t going to happen, and they have no real interest into hearing of a new boyfriend and do not wish to get further into any emotional entanglements so they back off and pull away.

  13. I have found luck explaining this in the opposite direction. Imagine the perfect guy for you, you find him to be 10/10 looks, personality, interests, everything. But he doesn’t want a relationship with you. Instead he offers a friends-with-benefits arrangement; he’ll bang but he doesn’t really want anything else to do with you. Would you accept getting fuck-zoned? I kinda doubt you would, it seems like torture.

  14. Because you don’t want the same thing. What benefit would a man get from orbiting a woman that doesn’t want the same kind of relationship. None. In fact if he does stick around, he isn’t going to be able be with anyone else.

  15. because when we want to be more then friends and the woman doesn’t. it feels like they are leaching energy off us and spending that energy on someone else. It’s degrading and take a lack of self respect to stay in that situation.


    why would you expect us to stick around?

  16. Why would we want to torture ourselves by sticking around to see the woman we want to be with loving someone else? Especially knowing we can’t be with her.

  17. For the same reason that I generally leave a restaurant that has a “closed for private event” sign hanging on the door.

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