When I was 12 I entered 7th grade. Upon entering my first class, I saw this stunning redhead with the most beautiful smile I’ve seen till this day. I didn’t think too much of it and for the next two years I would barely speak to her because of how nervous she would make me.

Entering high school I developed a huge crush on this girl, and even though we didn’t have any classes together my feelings developed more. In grade 11 I left that high school, leaving the girl I liked so much.

That was about three and a half years ago. I moved on with my life, I started working out a lot, and got pretty good at talking with girls, and I pretty much forgot about my life in school. Anyways, about a week ago, I started having these dreams about the girl I used to have a crush on. Everyday I would dream about her and I just hanging out(nothing sexual) and just acting like if we were a couple. I’ve never had a series of dreams like these before.

What should I do? I mean I know where she works, but I don’t want to be seen like a creep.

1 comment
  1. Well does she work at a restaurant or coffee shop? I mean you could just go in and act like you just recognized her and then propose you guys should catch up. Quick disclaimer that your obsession with this girl could make this end up really creepy, so I would level out your feelings before you even try something like this.

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