I met this girl at college the other week and she seemed really cool and would love to get to know her more BUT I would never see her on a normal basis. We just happened to meet at a social event going on at the school but we have no classes together, no mutual friends, nothing. I figured I would reach out to her cause I got her socials and she can’t ever keep a conversation because long replies in between texts, which I’m fine with she may not be on her phone a lot or just be busy. But how am I supposed to tell if she just doesn’t want to talk but doesn’t want to be rude or if she actually wants to hang out or meet up on campus?

Sounds really stupid typing this out, I feel like I’m 13 again.

  1. Just ask her out to coffee or something. You can try to make it less formal if you want and ask say “Hey, I want to get your opinion on something. You free to chat over coffee sometime?” Or you can just go for the date. The good news is if she says no, you won’t see her that often anyway.

  2. Don’t give yourself false hope by assuming she is busy or not on her phone much. If she is into you, she’ll reply in a timely manner. Only way to know where you stand is ask her out. If she says yes, then when you 2 hangout try to kiss her at some point. You have to stop caring if you get rejected. You should fear the bottomless pit of regret & what ifs from not making a move.

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