
How true is that saying? I’ve had older folks as well as my friends tell me that in a way I’m running out of time. Time to find a girlfriend and eventually settle down. I do notice that at group events most people are married and not many people have “single friends” (I never ask my friends to hook me up, just observing). Everyone is either in an LTR or married.

I’ve spent most of my 20s not really exploring relationship. only 1 long term relationship of 2 years, I really regretted it. I should’ve started dating apps long time ago, as well as putting myself out there. Now I am 30+, I am playing catch up. . I have extremely low self confidence/esteem but that will take years to work on.

I understand that the reality is as a 30 year old girls have baggage and I got to live with that if I want a dating pool that can be considered an actual pool lol. I feel people in their 30s just look much less attractive due to a decade of “fun”. attraction is important and lifestyle is also important. I do HAVE STANDARDS. I want a girl who’s got a good personality, is a good person, is attractive to me, and we see relatively eye to eye.

I’m not the best guy career wise (as I am working on it) and I will probably weed out a lot of prospective partner by not having a steady income (getting my life together)

I do want kids and a family but I also don’t want to settle for some trailer trash who’s going no where in life or takes advantage of me. I’d rather beat my meat and die alone then feel like I’m settling. Are all the “good ones” taken and I’m just left fighting for what’s left?

Give it no me real Reddit. Enough of that “ra ra you can do it” pseudo motivation crap!

  1. No, if anything your dating pool expands as a guy as you get older. Good luck being 25 and dating a 30yr old. As a 30 yr old really you can date from 23ish to 40.

    Change your mindset that only rotten apples are left, that’s not true at all and will set you off with a negative bias before you even allow something positive to happen

  2. Looks to me like you are just panicking yourself. No, dating for men is never impossible. It changes with time, but what in life doesn’t?

  3. lol no you’re not and i’m not even sugar coating it, most guys I know actually begin to settle at this time, as my sister married her husband when he was 30 after a year of dating. It’s kinda a situational thing but if you want real reddit i suggest you stop worrying about asking randoms online and try it out for yourself.

    I can name a bunch of scenarios where people waited in their 30s-40s and never settled for “trailer trash” and got into healthy and happy marriages but what good is that gonna do for you because i’m sure you’ve heard it before.

    The men I know your age and older who aren’t married or in serious relationships have told me they never wanted it, not that they ran out of time, and they tend to be assholes or still don’t know what they want so i’m glad you know somewhat of what you want in your life.

    Try meeting girls through mutuals, or parties or bars, even hinge and bumble might work (not tinder tho lmao)

    I can tell you really care about this so I hope you know to not settle, not care what your friends tell you, and just trust the process and fate of your future (:

  4. Same situation as me brother! Working on both my career (new career path) and trying to get my life together. I do worry as a 31 year old that time is dwindling, especially when socialising isn’t my strongest skillset and lack of confidence etc.
    I am hopeful though, continue working on myself and hope that someone sees something in me that they like. Good luck to you.

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