Which is an unhealthy food choice you substituted for a healthy food, that changed your life positively?

  1. I have a rule that if I’m not hungry enough for an apple (or similarly healthy vegetables like carrots or snap peas) then I’m not actually hungry.

    It cuts down on mindless snacking, or if I am feeling munchy then at least it’s healthy. Sometimes I’ll have a fruit snack and still be hungry, so I know I can have something larger.

    I also find it easier not to buy chips/cookies and buy fruits and veggies and wash them as a part of putting groceries away, that way they’re always ready and there really isn’t an excuse not to eat them.

  2. Drinking water when I am not truly hungry or when it’s not my meal time yet.
    I schedule my meal times, and only have meals around during those times. Following a routine for meals has really improved my energy levels and digestion too.

  3. I cut sugar out of my diet.

    No desserts, black coffee, the whole thing. I’ve actually gone back to adding creamer to my coffee and having a chocolate here and there, but no sugar for a few months changed my taste buds.

    I no longer have a sweet tooth and most desserts I used to love are way too rich for me now.

  4. I was always a “half a spoon of sugar” in my coffee and tea kind of girl, and I found in working from home I was drinking those far more than anything else.

    I bought nicer coffee and some herbal teas and honestly, they don’t need any sugar in them. A good coffee will taste smooth and balanced, not bitter, so it doesn’t need sugar to make it palatable.

    I also realized that I don’t actually like pop, I like fizz in my water so I got a soda stream. Its been great.

  5. Instead of focusing on specific substitutions, I learned to differentiate between stomach hunger and head hunger. With stomach hunger, any food can meet the need. With head hunger, it has to be a specific food. When I identify I’m having head hunger, I drink some water and find something else to entertain my brain.

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