I havent actively searched for any sort of relationship or one night thing for 4 years just been living my own life so when a friends co-worker was interested I went with it. We got along and we had our first date and I thought it went well finished the night off with kisses next to her door and a promise of a second date. She had alot of plans over a couple weeks that had her out of town but we had the second date planned but when the date came around she flaked, reorganize the second date and flaked again then I put it on her to organize another date when it suit her. She then for months didn’t even open any of my messages reaching out for anything even a friendly hello but still looked at my stories and was talking to my friend about other dayes shes been on. All of a sudden she has recently started messaging me again asking if we could book date 2 and even though I did enjoy her company she had made it clear I was just a back up incase things with other guys didn’t work out. I just don’t know what to do at this point

  1. Ignore her, when she finds someone she likes more she will ghost you again. You should respect yourself, that’s what you should do.

  2. “You’re just back-up”. Or in other words……

    Second best

    Not who she really wants to be with

    The fall guy

    Someone she doesn’t particularly care about

    Someone to waste some time with

    She doesn’t want to be with you.

    You deserve better. Self respect is everything when looking for someone to be with. Don’t settle for second best or to be second best.

    Ignore her.

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