I (21M) don’t know how to approach a situation with my friend (21F)

I (21M) go to uni and live in a hostel with a friend of mine, Lisa (21F). We met through the housing system and basically become really close friends within a month of meeting each other. Through this time I learned a lot about her as a person, and one of the things about her is that she hooks up with a lot of guys. For her, sex isn’t a big deal at all. I on the other hand can only really be close and intimate with one person at a given time. I’ve never been into hookups and have a different view on it compared to her.

Over the last month we have gotten really close and began cuddling together at night on the sofa very often. Sometimes we even fall asleep together in my or her room. We haven’t done any more than that. I am not looking for a relationship at the moment, and just a friends with benefits type thing. My issue is that I don’t know what she wants at all. If I had a FWB I would pretty much be exclusive to them and wouldn’t want that to be mutual, but she doesn’t seem into the idea of exclusivity at all. We are both open to the idea of being FWBs.

I know if we get intimate and she continues hooking up with other guys then it would really hurt me because I’d feel like I wasn’t good enough for her. How should I approach the situation? Is it wrong for me to be feeling down if she hooks up with guys at the current time even if we haven’t agreeed on anything?

I know we aren’t together or even intimate yet but things are very obviously moving in that direction and I don’t know how to feel or what to do. I feel terrible at the prospect of her being into other guys but I know I really shouldn’t be feeling that way. Am I just being too possessive and invested?

Our relationship is very close and she trusts me with a lot of personal stuff and we share many secrets, so I know we are very close in that regard. I’m just so lost as to how to feel about the whole exclusivity thing because it’s stupid to expect exclusivity if we aren’t even together but we are so close to being there that her hooking up with someone else would really hurt me.

Should I ask her to be exclusive when the time comes? Or is that an unrealistic request.

TLDR: I feel like I’m stupidly expecting my friend to stop hooking up with other guys just because our relationship is heading down a path that will eventually lead to us having a FWB type thing. Don’t know how to approach the situation.

  1. > know if we get intimate and she continues hooking up with other guys then it would really hurt me because I’d feel like I wasn’t good enough for her. How should I approach the situation?

    Don’t hook up with her unless you can handle it? You know what she’s looking for and her boundaries, so if that doesn’t align with yours then find someone else or prepare to be disappointed.

    FWB is pretty much by design non exclusive in most cases. If that’s not what you are looking for, then don’t do it. It’s not Relationship Lite™️

  2. I don’t believe it’s possible to have a monogamous Fwb situation you should aim towards a relationship if you want her to be exclusive for you also you need to start being more confident or she won’t respect you.

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