Tl;dr (M26) I’m considering taking a break from my relationship with my (32F) partner. Has my anyone taken a break and returned?

My partner(32F) and I (26M) have been dating for just about two years. We began dating during the pandemic and pretty much spent all of that time with one another since we also work together.

The next year we were long distance because I was on tour, and it took a toll on our relationship. It was hard finding time to share a connection that had nothing to do outside of work. We had a summer of many fights but recently had some time to remember what it was like to be with one another.

There are many areas in my life that are causing me stress, I have a concussion that’s affecting my job, I’m in the process of moving, and am dealing with family stressors. I feel like I need the time to not worry about the state of my relationship and just get my life and priorities in check.

Has anyone taken a break from a relationship for personal growth and returned better than ever?

1 comment
  1. Breaks dont work. Space is ok but breaks are enders. They dont help. Most likely it leads to second breakup because of the break

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