(resuming the resume)

I’ve talked to a girl on instagram 3-4x messages, she started to workout at my gym, saw her 1 time but she didn’t smile and was with her headphones, so I didn’t say anything.

On the same day at night, she went to the coffeeshop where I was, hit my with her jacket and we were looking at each other but I was talking to my friends and she was near the wall with her friends, when we were leaving she didn’t look at me so, again I didn’t say anything.

This was like 3 weeks ago, should I wait to talk to her in person (this was my intention lol), or should I just send a message..

Note: one thing that I noted is that she only see my stories sometimes, but can be just the instagram not recommending me I guess, my value is not determined by that anyway.

Want some thoughts =P

1 comment
  1. Kind of in the same boat, this guy at my work I like. He’s always looking at me and I introduced myself. The encounter was a little awkward but it didn’t go bad, I can’t tell if he knows I’m into him or if he thinks I was just being friendly and just an akward person. He’s akward and dorky himself which is why I like him but he hasn’t said anything to me after that. However there were a few times I caught him staring at me, so idk what gives nor what do to especially at work when we have little time to talk. You said you messaged this girl a few times? She either might have social anxiety or she’s not interested or she may not even know that you’re into her. I wish I had more advice but I can’t even figure out my own situation.
    Edit: I guess go talk to her message or in person whatever you’re more comfortable with, you never know what can happen. Even if nothing happens at least you won’t be wondering the outcome.

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