Hi Men, I’m a 40s man with a young family. Due to that, I’ve focused on my work and wife & kids for the last decade often missing out on catch ups/nights out with the boys.

Covid increased this exponentially and by my estimate, it’s about three years since I have seen any of them in person. It’s been a slow fade out and out of a group of around a dozen mates, I’ve probably spoken to two of them on a couple of occasions over the phone in that span of time.

I don’t feel bad about this, don’t feel good about it either.

Has anyone had a similar experience? Is it possible or even worth trying to reconnect after all this time?

  1. If they’re important to you, make the effort to see them again. If they’re not, pay it no mind.

    That being said. I’d be remiss if I didn’t stress the importance of men having friendships outside of their spouse. Far too often the spouse is our only friend.

  2. Absolutely worth it to try and reconnect. And not hard to do it either – just text them and say pretty much what you said here – family and covid got priority for a while, but I like you guys, let’s get back in contact.

  3. Real friends are the ones that you see after 10 years and it’s like not even a day has past.

    Reach out. Who is not interested in hanging out is better to have out of your life.

  4. Are they guys? If so, what are you worried about? They’ll just be happy to hear from you.

  5. I am the same age as you and don’t have many close friends. I have only one friend from high school I keep in touch with. We see each other once a year at most. We have gone years with no contact.

    I can text him out of the blue a week before July 4th and ask about his plans. Yea, come on down. Going to a friends place for a cook out. I go to their place and hang out a while before going to the cook out. We pick up right where we left off like it was yesterday.

  6. I’m assuming they are dead or missing, if they need me they will reach out , if not oh well. It’s usually up to me to save or reach out to people, I’m done

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