How do I make peace with the fact that I will eventually get cheated on by my girlfriend’s in the relationships I have?

  1. Don’t start your relationships from a position of suspicion and insecurity and you’ve got a better chance having good relationships.

  2. Drink a lot of water, eat healthy, exercise. Don’t play with your phone before bed, read a book for thirty minutes instead.

  3. Just think of it as your time and expect it. Be on guard all the time and don’t ever give 100% until you marry that person.. even then it’s not a guarantee

  4. Don’t think about it at all. Learn to understand people and their behaviours understand a person completely before you go into a relationship with them.

  5. With violence, of course. Or………………………………………………………………………………………………

  6. Date higher class women. How many relationships have you been in where they cheated? Did you happen to date them while they were seeing someone else? If that’s the case, stop it.

  7. You have low hopes in a good relationship it seems. Relationship is all about trusting eachother

  8. You could either get a gf with a certain value and morals — or stop behaving in a certain way that will drive your gf ultimately in someone elses arms.

    whatever applies to you.

  9. Set clear boundaries from the start and don’t tolerate that kind of behavior. You want to have better in your life, you have to stand your ground on what you expect. You allow people treat you like crap, they will, they have no reason to change. You don’t tolerate it, they may try but they won’t get far. Cut them out of your life immediately and don’t look back. Don’t settle for anything less than you want in your life. You want happiness and faithfulness. Don’t tolerate cheating even once.

  10. you have distrust for people you haven’t even met yet, think the problem might be with you bud and not the girls.

  11. In today’s instant gratification world, I understand that. How to overcome it? Have a Plan B and that Plan B should be your own life. Have a life you’re happy living. I see too many people (men, women, doesn’t matter really) try to find their happiness by finding a romantic partner. No, you just build a beautiful life for yourself. Some relationships will work out, some won’t. But you’ll always have a place to go if they don’t.

  12. The first thing you do is figure out why you think you will always get eventually cheated on by your girlfriends. Either you’re seriously picking the wrong girlfriends, or you have serious anxiety and jealousy issues.

    Either way, that’s something to work on before getting another girlfriend.

  13. Enjoy the good times, leave if/when they cheat. Next girl. Profit.

    (Get tested for STDs frequently)

  14. This again. Your problem is low self esteem. You think you suck and every women would rather be with someone else. Fix this before you get into a real relationship.

  15. If you truly think that this is inevitable, then you can’t change it, and should accept it.

    But I don’t know why you’d start from that mindset — is it to soften the blow if it happens? That seems unhealthy to me. There is a great quote about this from Seneca:

    > *Plus dolet quam necesse est qui ante dolet quam necesse est.*

    > He suffers more than necessary, who suffers before it is necessary.

  16. Don’t have a relationship. Sorry I’m a woman and I think the same. As much as I want to be loved and to love someone deeply, opening my self 100%… I know I couldn’t do it without pretending the other person to shower me of attentions. I am impossible to stay with, but at least I would never cheat. If I love someone it’s for real, I want it to last for ever.

    I have no idea. Maybe, and I hope so, the right person will erase all the insecurities.

    But… How many people have been cheated on by their “soulmate”?

    I don’t want a relationship. Not a normal one. I don’t know what I want.

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