So, my bf (M30) just told me bought a new sex toy. We’re in LDR and I completely understand his needs. However, when he said ‘toy’, I thought it would be a normal fleshtoy. But when he sent me the picture, it’s the silicone one where it mimicked a girl in missionary position with the thigh and a little bit of tummy. For some reason, I feel quite bothered with it. Is my feelings valid?

p/s : i also have a toy myself but its only a vibrator that cannot be put inside. we agreed on no dildo or put anything inside my pussy.

  1. Your feelings are always valid, but it’s your responsibility to find out why it bothers you and address that

  2. I mean it’s a bit odd but I mean it could be fun!! You could imagine it’s you when you video call/cam! Specially watching him fuvk it could turn you on! Try if before you knock it lol

  3. It’s a toy, like any other toy and while your feelings are valid, it’s obvious they are coming from a place of insecurity. Wouldn’t you rather see him with a toy than trying to get that desire filled elsewhere?

    You really need to evaluate your situation and see if a LDR is really the right situation for you. LDR’s are extremely difficult and once sexual frustration sets in, it’s hard to come back from that.

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