hi all! so i’m 20f and my bf is 23m. i’ve been so frustrated for the past year because i feel no craving for sex. to start, i’m so in love with my boyfriend and he is so handsome and just perfect. he’s a very sexual person and i feel just awful that i never want to have sex. we’ve been dating for almost 4 years and used to have sex twice a day up until last summer. my sex drive used to HIGH. the only explanation for me is deep depression for awhile but now i’ve been on lexapro since march. so i just need advice. i want to WANT sex ya know?? i mean this has been giving me horrible anxiety. what can i do??? i just feel awful for my boyfriend and he deserves better..

  1. Lexapro is an SSRI medication. This will reduce your sex drive. Take with your doc and change the meds to others if possible.

  2. You’re a good girlfriend. You have empathy for your boyfriend’s needs. With some people having a low libido is not their problem but their partner’s problem.

    The depression med is probably robbing your libido. You can ask your doctor to try another med. He may have to experiment until he finds a med which does not impact your libido so much. It’s not necessary for you to be in the mood to agree to sex. You may have responsive desire. You can also do non-piv sex with your bf. Not a substitute but he will appreciate it. Hope everything goes well.

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