Today I had three Quarters in my pocket and one Quarter had a sizable nick along the edge. I used this money to get some air in my tire and It would not drop so I took it out and looked closely to see what was causing it to get jammed, that’s how I noticed the nick. I rubbed it on the concrete to rub down the burr and It worked.

However 20 minutes later I went to Dunkin Donuts drive through to get something and the change I got back I just stuck it in the center console. While I was sitting in traffic I looked down…and it was the same Quarter with the nick in it WITH the scratches. Ohio ,Birthplace of Aviation Quarter with the nick going across the Helmet. I picked the 3 quarters out of my change jar and I had no other coined money. My logic card is flapping big time.

  1. I dropped a $10.00 bill in my parents living room, reached down to pick it up not even a second later, and it has vanished. Tore my parent’s living room apart for 2 hours with the help of them because I refused to believe it was just gone. But I never found it. I can still hear the faintest little rustling sound the bill made when it landed on the carpet of the silent room years later. But it was gone. Disintegrated in front of my own face.

  2. having memories of being into a place that dont seem to exist or like I was living in a dream and I could not remember anything before suddenly opening my eyes and waking from bed

  3. Was walking home at night after a late night stroll. Passed a parked silver Toyota in the park’s parking (say that five times fast) then another, then another snd another and another. I thought I was going mad and then I realized for some unknown reason there really were a dozen identical press silver toyota’s all parked side by side. The single weirdest thing I’ve seen on my walks and I’ve seen some weird things.

  4. It happened this morning actually. I dropped my mom off but we talked a bit in the car and we were watching a plane as it went behind a tree but it never showed up on the other side

  5. I try and meditate in the morning and one day I sat down, closed my eyes, tried to relax for what felt like 5 minutes, opened my eyes and it was 90 minutes later. I thought maybe I got the time wrong but my roommate asked what I had been doing and confirmed that I was just sitting silently at my desk for like 2 hours. Felt like I was robbed of my morning that day since I usually just do it 15 minutes.

  6. for a while every time I would wake up as I open my eyes for the first time I see like a grid of lights flash before my eyes, just like a bunch of points of light sprawled out as I open my eyes and they immediately faded, and I would try to close my eyes again and reopen to see if it would happen but nothing. Happened for like a month every morning no idea what it was

  7. I’ll have dreams that come true. This has happened my entire life. I’ll have a dream and it could be days, weeks, months, or years, and it will happen in real life. When it does happen I’ll get the same fuzzy feeling, and it feels like I’m outside my own mind. Most of the time I can change the outcome of the events if I catch it time. I tell very few people about this in my real life, only family and close friends. My mind becomes a mess, my vision becomes small, and my senses turn up to 11. It’s weird and even if I forget the dream, when it starts to happen everything will rush back to me suddenly.

    I had a dream I was at my friends house for a party with our friends and his family. His wife came downstairs crying, holding a pregnancy test, and told everyone she was pregnant, and everyone cheered. Now months later, my buddy and his wife buy a house and have a housewarming party. Upon stepping into the house I realize it’s the same one from my dream. My head gets a little fuzzy but it goes away. My buddies wife wasn’t home from her shift yet so we were drinking and catching up with everyone. His wife comes home like 3 hours later and joins the party. I’m pretty hammered and she comes outside to say hello. In her hand is a mixed drink and upon seeing her take a sip I slap it out of her hands. Shes liked what the fuck was that for, and I tell her she shouldn’t be drinking while she’s pregnant. I let it slip because I was drunk and couldn’t really tell you why. She gives me the strangest look, talks to my buddy, and runs into the house. He comes over and was like what did you say to her? She’s pretty upset and he asked me why I knocked her drink out of her hand. I tell him I was just being an idiot, it was an accident and I apologized. Her family was like grilling me and I thought her dad was about to fight me. It calms down a bit and we go on. We head into the house and his wife is upstairs locked in the bathroom. Half an hour later my buddy comes downstairs and tells me to go talk to his wife is upset and she wants to talk to me and only me. I head upstairs and knock on the door. She lets me in and she’s crying her eyes out on the floor. It takes all of 2 seconds for me to realize on the countertop are 3 pregnancy tests, and they are all positive. She looks at me and she asks me how did I know? Turns out she had been trying for a while with my friend and she was told she would have an extremely difficult time having kids for some condition that I can’t remember. So they stopped trying to have a kid and she was upset about it, and they never told us about it. I explain my weird dream abilities to her and she couldn’t believe it either. She then asks me how it ends, and I said I was downstairs, she came down crying, and told everyone she was pregnant, and everyone started cheering. I help her up, give her a hug, and help her get ready. I head downstairs and my buddy grabs me and was like what the fuck was that about, and I was like you’d never believe me even if I told you, just wait. Everyone in the room is grilling me at this point because they think I’ve totally ruined the mood of the party, and I just walk over to a spot in the room and I turn around. Now again it’s the exact same spot from my dream, and I get the weird feelings and look on my face. My roommate who’s there and who knows about my ability realizes the look on my face, and goes “oh boy here we go”. Then I look over at the staircase and there is my buddy’s wife coming down the stairs, holding a test in her hand, crying profusely, and announces she’s pregnant. The entire room erupts in happiness and the place goes wild. When it calms down her dad asks how did she know? And she then divulges that after I smacked the drink out of her hand that I told her she was pregnant. The entire room gets quiet and everyone looks at me and my roommate goes “yeah, he has dreams that come true, fucking weird man”. What’s even funnier is that a few months later I had a dream of her gender reveal party, and in it they announced she had a boy. I showed up to the party with a wrapped present full of baby boy things. After they revealed the gender, they opened up my gift first and everyone was freaking out.

    It’s weird and sometimes it’s good moments and sometimes it bad moments. However, I have yet to have a dream with winning lottery numbers.

  8. Brushed all the snow off my car for Sunday errands, coming home from errands, unloading my groceries, realizing I forgot my purse and going back downstairs to find my car completely covered in snow again (the exact way it was that morning, like, several inches of snow), but it wasn’t snowing anymore, and I had only been inside for a few minutes to put groceries away.

    Still makes me sick to my stomach to think about, lol. I thought I had to be high on drugs or having some type of psychotic breakdown. Have a few theories of what could have happened that are sort of logical, but none of them have ever been good enough to give me closure with it.

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