I have a pretty big crush on my coworker. I would say we’ve become pretty good friends through work. We also are in some of the same social circles, so we were both at the same Halloween party over the weekend.

When he saw me walk through the door at the party, he came up to me and we were talking for about 10 minutes until a girl and her friend came up to him and stole the conversation. Naturally, I walked away and found other people to talk to (including my friends and other guys). My crush ended up talking to her the whole time, and when I left the party, I saw her give him a hug as she was leaving.

Today at work, he said “I want to tell you something, but I’m not going to.” After convincing him to tell me what it was, he said “One of the girls I talked to at the party was really pretty.” I asked him who it was, and he said he didn’t remember her name, but that he thought both her and her friend were really pretty.

Even though I was sad and slightly jealous, I told him to go for it, and he said no. Why would he even put this out if he had no intention of going for it? Maybe this is me making up things in my head, but was he possibly trying to get a reaction out of me, or does he just see me as a good enough friend that he would tell this to?

TLDR: Is he trying to make me jealous by bringing up another girl?

  1. He’s playing games. Yes, he’s trying to make you jealous, and it’s immature and shitty.

  2. He’s likely playing games. He may not be doing it consciously. It doesn’t mean he’s seriously into you, or her.

    Quit this bullshit dance. If you like the guy and it’s safe to do so in your workplace, ask him out for coffee/a movie/whatever.

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