I am 5’4″ tall and weigh around 120lbs. I am not very muscular, but I do not have jiggly fat either. I do not think I am particularly small or big. I think I would call myself moderately sized. My boyfriend on the other hand is quite big for, he is 6 ft tall, I do not know how much he weighs but he is quite muscular. His body almost looks like Henry Cavill’s from the bathrub scene in Witcher.

It’s my first time dating a guy who is this tall and this big. I am only used to dating people who do not go to gym and who are only a couple inches taller than me. I am not complaining at all about my boyfriend. I love him and enjoy touchign him, cuddling with him and having sex with him A LOT! But I cannot help but be fascinated by how big he is. When I am in bed with him or cuddling with him, or we are touching each other in any way, I notice that his arms and body almost encapsulate me completely. His body is also somehow always warm. So, it’s like I am covered by a weighted blanket all the time. Again, no complaints at all. I find his big warm body to very comforting. BUT… I cannot help but think that he must feel the exact opposite with me. Where I live, winters are already starting. My hands are cold all the time. I cannot help but think that he must feel like a small cold animal is clinging to him when I hug him or be the big spoon when cuddling.

So my question to bigger men dating moderately sized women is this – what do you enjoy about hugging and cuddling with your women? What do you feel about not having a lot of “meat” to grab on to?

  1. Everyone is different, but I imagine he does enjoy cuddling you since he is actively dating you. I think something like this can be solved with a little communication, but make sure not to let the topic take over your mind and cause deep insecurities

  2. I’m 6’5”, 300 lbs. I have always loved wrapping up my partners. My wife is only 6’ 160 lbs and is often cold in the winter so she loves it as well.

    When I was younger and skinnier 260 pounds I had a few partners that were much smaller than me, not much over 5’. It was always good.

  3. I think everybody has stuff covered here.

    I wanted to chime in with this though. Be proud of your body, as long as you are healthy that’s all that matters.

    However, you say your boyfriend works out at the gym? I’m sure he’d be more than happy to help you if you wanted to go. General fitness or strength training won’t make you bulky, but it will make you look more filled out.

  4. Talk with him – this is the only way to know. I’m sure he’s very happy with your body, so don’t worry or overthink this.

    A few observations:

    * Since his body mass is so much greater than yours, and he’s “always warm”, I don’t think you’re making him feel cold at all. If anything, he enjoys the freshness of your skin.
    * The physical difference is probably a turn on for him. If you’re feeling adventurous, try sex outside the bedroom with him standing, and you not touching the floor – there are many, many variations. It can be fun finding the positions you’re both most comfortable with. This will certainly put some novelty into your physical relationship.
    * You can ask him to take you to the gym to see what it’s like. Most places will let you have a one-entry trial for free. He can show you all the things he does there.

  5. Okay so I’m a tall athletic narrow framed guy. 6’5 and about 215. Think basketball build. My wife is 5’1 and about 110. I engulf her. It’s awesome. I love cuddling her. Wrapping my arms around her. I’ve learned that she likes my weight on her during certain positions in sex. Occasionally I’m the little spoon. We make it work. All that to say. Don’t overanalyze it.

  6. Im pretty sure when couples hug each other they aren’t thinking “I don’t have a lot of meat to grab onto” – nothing wrong with being slim or larger.. that’s not what its about.

    Also this sub is about sex.

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