Which bridal shower games have you actually enjoyed playing?

  1. I made a giant penis piñata and we had a hell of a good time breaking it open. We stuffed it with a mix of condoms, lube and candy.

  2. The only ones I really enjoy are the quizzes about the bride or guesses on what gifts are.

    I hate the forced social games like “find someone from another state, find someone wearing purple” blergh. I am already being social enough by showing up, don’t make me talk to the bride’s 89 year old racist grandmother to find out how many grandkids she has.

  3. I like the game where people submit their baby pictures and we have to guess who is who

  4. We did an escape room, that was amazing. I organised it and chose a super easy room with Halloween theme (bride loves Halloween), then we went there and actually made it out. Obviously I told the bride it’s a super hard room and acted concerned beforehand. Also told the guy working there that it’s a hard room. It was super fun and felt like a big success

  5. To be honest, none of them. I’d rather just spend the time enjoying each other’s company and celebrating the upcoming wedding. I’m not a fan of obligatory games at parties. If it’s opt-in for those who want to and not pushed on everyone, then that’s fine, but I really dislike being expected to play obligatory themed games at a bridal shower.

  6. None of them. I get they are to break the ice when you bring together different social groups, but I rather just drink together.

  7. I like the game where you help them write their wedding vows. It gets interesting when people come up with crazy things.

  8. I like the ones that don’t really require a ton of time and effort. Like, one shower I was at had us create bingo cards with gifts we thought the couple might get, so present-opening turned into bingo. That was a win/win in that it was low effort, and it spiced up what’s usually the worst part of the shower.

    Some sort of trivia game about the couple is usually fine, too. The winner is pretty much always one of the moms or the maid of honor, but it can be a cute way to get to know the couple a bit better.

  9. None. And I made it 100% crystal clear that I didn’t want any games of any kind for mine.

  10. I think it’s easier to mention which ones I haven’t enjoyed:

    * Things that required specific knowledge (e.g. a fill in the blank activity that was for a particular movie that most people had either never seen or only seen once)
    * Ice breakers that force you to interact with people that you don’t know. No thanks. I’ll be social with who I want to be social with on my own terms.

  11. I like the quiz style ones, we did the newlywed game and one where the guests answered questions about me/my husband.

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