This was only our second date and there had been no discussion about him wanting a rimjob before. Prior to this, I had never even given one before. He woke up in the morning, worked out a little, and then I got out of bed to get ready for work. This is when things went… south. During the blowjob he shoved my head down to his asshole and um… it was obviously not prepared. I’m talking overly hairy, sweaty, and smelly. I went back up to finish the blowjob and once all was said and done, I started getting ready for real. While brushing my teeth he told me that I’d have to brush them extra longer to get his fecal matter out of my mouth. He also burped in my face.

Suffice it to say I am done with this dude because of this situation. How do I bring this up to him so he knows why I’m not interested anymore or should I just not say anything?

  1. 1000% tell him the truth. He needs to at the very least know what an absolute SLOB he is. If anyone burped in my face I wouldn’t likely hangout with them again, especially in a sexual manner. Burping in general is sooo gross, but burping in someone’s face is just .. omg no. Just no. He probably will not care at all, but tell him the truth.

    Maybe you gave off *scat eating submissive* vibes, though it sure doesn’t sound that way. What a slob.

    For everyone who says “there’s NEVER an excuse to ghost someone…” you’re looking at it.

    Eta- I’m so sorry he treated you this way.

  2. That’s fuckinng gross. After two dates you owe him nothing. Just say it’s not gonna work out between us. Let him figure it out.

  3. I hate saying this, but ghost him and never call or talk to him.

    What he did was shitty, pardon the pun, and he shouldn’t have tried to force you to do it. Now, if it was something you both discussed beforehand and you were okay with it, and even if you weren’t, he had no right to force you to try.

  4. Guy is an inconsiderate POS. Make sure to tell all your friends to not date this pig. So sorry you had to endure this inhuman treatment.

  5. you don’t need to give him a reason, he should be able to figure it out. ghost him or just say ‘I’m no longer interested’ and leave it at that.

  6. That is horrific. I enjoy giving my partner a rim job but it is by no means something that you can do without prior prep or consent. Personally I’d probably just ghost.

  7. It’s up to you whether to tell him you’re disgusted by him, or just ghost him. It sounds to me like he might actually enjoy being called disgusting! So do whatever makes you feel better. I have to say, you’ve already gone way beyond any reasonable expectation by even finishing the BJ. I would have thrown him out then and there!

  8. Give us his address so we can tie him down and pay a sweaty gassed up sumo wrestler to sit on his face bare assed. That’ll teach the fucker

  9. That was 100% disrespectful and you should return the favor by ghosting him into eternity.

  10. That’s incredibly disrespectful. I am so sorry that happened to you. He’s disgusting. I’d probably ghost but if you’re inclined to provide him a final message, just let him know that you’re no longer interested due to the experience and leave it at that.

  11. What a foul pig. It’s doubtful you’re the first woman he’s done this to. For some reason he probably gets off on it so he needs called out on it and just be blunt with him.

  12. He pushed your head down, but why did you give him a rim job? And then you went and finished the blow job?

    There is absolutely no way I would have done either. Definitely not with some guy I just met!

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