What’s your stance on circumcission.

  1. I’m against it being performed on minors unless medically necessary. Adults can do what they want. I am, but I dont really hold grudges about it. I never really knew life with a foreskin so I don’t know what I’m missing.

  2. Seems weird to me that we alter baby genitals for cosmetic or religious reasons. It definitely shouldn’t be standard practice.

    Personally, I quite like my foreskin and I would miss it if it was gone.

  3. My parents chose to not have me circumcised. I don’t have any male children, but if I did I’d do the same as my parents. I have never had any infections or hygiene issues.

  4. Not sure if I’d have my kids circumcised, but my parents did it to me, because they were acting in accordance with what they thought was my best interest at the time. So, because I have a decent relationship with them, and no real harm was done, I don’t hold it against them, like so many people on Reddit seem to.

  5. I’m cut and I’ve never had any issue with it, but if it had been up to me I wouldn’t have had it done

  6. I got cut when I was born. In the locker rooms growing up in school a few kids got bullied because they weren’t cut and ended up getting the procedure done out of not being like most of the other guys, it’s fucked up. If you aren’t cut don’t get shamed into doing it. I personally wish I was given the choice myself.

  7. I’m against it. I have 3 sons. I had my 1st at 17. I come from a religious family & still lived at home. I didn’t even think about it…had him circumcised bc I thought I HAD to. Had my 2nd at 22. I had him circumcised to be like his brother (still thought it was normal). Had my 3rd boy at 33. By that time, I had formed my own opinion on the matter. I did NOT have him circumcised.

  8. Don’t see the point. I’m circumcise and now have done research on it. It not enough benefits to even get it. And some say it takes away the overall feelings. So not a fan

  9. Barbaric bronze age nonsense. I am, apparently I was the test subject in my family because ain’t no one else is.

  10. I was cut as a baby and if I have a son I’m not going to get him cut. Circumcision is pretty barbaric when you think about it.

  11. Unless medically necessary (IE severe phimosis or reoccurring balanitis etc.), it’s a barbaric practice that has no place in the modern world when done on boys at birth. Even more so when you look into how it became commonplace in countries like the US.

    As an adult go ahead and do what you want, you can consent to it, children cannot.

  12. I never met anyone who was upset that they were circumcised. Some guys actually have it done when they’re older because it’s what they want to have it done.

  13. If the question is regarding neonatal circumcision, it’s a direct violation of bodily autonomy, and should be strictly banned except in cases of absolute medical necessity.

    That is the only way to protect newborns from the potential trauma they may experience.

    If you leave the choice to parents you are essentially subjecting infants to an unnecessary medical risk, that they are neither aware of nor have any way to consent to.

    All religious or cultural justifications are categorically invalid when weighed against the right of a newborn to their own body.

    If you think neonatal circumcision is permissible, you essentially believe it was acceptable that I was not given a choice as to be circumcised or not. That I am an acceptable sacrifice. I view my circumcision as a visceral sexual violation and resent it deeply.

    What do you say to all the boys who might grow up to resent it? What right do you have to force such a procedure on someone?

    Stop messing with our dicks.

    Our bodies, our choice. End of discussion.

  14. Genital mutilation is wrong when forced on someone who can’t decide for themselves.

    Also, what’s with religion and little boys dicks anyway? Sickening

  15. If there’s no medical need, then every man should be able to decide for themselves whether they want to get circumcized or not.

    Fortunately I live in a country where cutting infants isn’t the norm

  16. I am and I don’t blame my single mother for having it done as I was born in the US in 1985 and it was done to infant boys without question then.
    However, if I ever have a son and it’s up to me, he won’t be unless there’s some reason it’s medically necessary.

  17. I was circumcised as an adult – in my late thirties. This was for medical reasons, my foreskin was causing issues (mainly phimosis) and having it removed greatly relieved them. Among other things, it has improved my sex life, but it must be emphasised that it only did so because having a foreskin that caused issues was inhibiting my sex life.

    I don’t have any children, and if I do have any then I would not have the baby circumcised. However, if I had a son I might find a way to encourage him to visit a urologist to be assessed for whether or not this would be appropriate for him. And I would encourage him to do this younger than I was because it was a minor issue in my 20s that got worse in my 30s and some parts of my life might have gone differently if I had had this done earlier.
    (clearly he would have to be old enough to make that decision, but I don’t know what that age is for this purely hypothetical child.)

  18. Should be illegal for anyone under 18. I personally think circumcision of children is genital mutilation.

  19. I am done and truly don’t care that I am circumcised, our son isn’t. It’s generally not necessary but please learn to clean yourself correctly. Spare a thought for those few guys who have to get circumcised as teens because of a very tight foreskin.

  20. I’m not from US, and for me it very shocking that such high percent of americans are circumcissed. Why? How did this happen?! I don’t get it at all. It’s crazy.
    Just think of it: you are cutting piece of baby foreskin just because of tradition that nowadays has no sense. And it’s not only considered to be normal, but actually quiet popular. In one of the most developed countries in modern world.

  21. Absolutely should not still be widely used in Western society. Mutilating a babies genitals for no reason

  22. I am generally opposed to removing pieces of children unless there is a very, very good medical reason for it. They can always remove them when they grow up. They can’t really put them back.

  23. I had it done when I was 20, for medical reasons.
    It was way too tight and couldn’t comeback, something I never realised growing up even though I was active, wasn’t until I tried to have sex that it was clear I needed it

  24. Being uncut is like riding a Harley. Sure we can all respect that classic feel, and maybe it handles better a tad, but the maintenance is whack, and the lubricants keep junking up the works

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