Hi, I’m from the UK and want to copyright one of my creations which I plan to sell in the future.

How do I go about this in the UK and which websites are legit?

I don’t want to pay copyright on a site which will just steal my money and give me no protection

  1. Copyright exists the moment the work is created, no need to register it.

    If it’s an invention do you perhaps mean a patent?

  2. You already have copyright on it –

    The same site also gives details on patent, which is different to copyright and may or may not be more useful for your situation.

    Not an expert, so read the gov site which has details rather than relying on a stranger’s advice.

  3. If it’s just an idea for a business then I doubt you’d be able to copyright it. If it’s a work of art, then you just have to say it’s copyright, no fees required. If it’s some sort of invention then maybe you can patent it, but it will cost you time and money to do so.

  4. I think you are confusing copyright with patents. Copyright applies to something like a photo, book, artwork, music etc.
    patents apply to products and designs etc.

  5. Make sure you keep good records of you having come up with the idea. Get a word document saved and dated. Then I’d recommend speaking to a patent lawyer. It’s important that you can prove you had the idea first incase someone else files a patent for the same thing. It’s a relatively lengthy process.

    I work in drug development and we have to keep super detailed records and backed up archives to ensure that we can prove when the compounds were first tested if someone else included them in a patent

  6. If your creation is a design, consider a trademark.

    Copyright is yours from the moment you create something.

    [www.ipo.gov.uk](https://www.ipo.gov.uk) has some good guides, and they are the only website you should use to submit your application (unless your use a professional )

  7. You can’t copyright an idea. Anything copyrightable is automatically copyright anyway, you don’t need to assert anything. Do you actually mean some sort of IP protection such as a patent?

  8. Ideas are not copyrightable. The *expression* of ideas is.

    In the UK copyright is automatic. What I am typing right now in this Reddit comment is copyrighted by me. When I post it I grant Reddit permission to use it in accordance with the website terms. There is no register of copyrighted works in the UK.


    Frankly ideas are ten a penny. Making it happen is what counts.

    Inventions can be patented, and this can include business processes. Patents are complex to write and you will need an intellectual property lawyer.

    Brand names, logos, and so on can be registered as trademarks.

    If you need to discuss your idea with someone such as a potential business partner but you’re scared they’ll “steal” it, a good Non-Disclosure Agreement (NDA) will protect you.

  9. You mean a patent? When you submit a patent you have to document everything unique about your product which then becomes public information. Chinese sellers don’t care about your patent and you’ve just given them step by step instructions to rip you off.

    Unless you have lots of money to fight for your patent it’s worthless. The only real protection is against a giant western company.

  10. If you’ve created a work of art or literature, you already have the copyright. If someone infringes on your copyright, you sue them.

  11. Realistically you are probably a child who is never going to follow through with your great “idea” since you don’t even know what copyright is.

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